Sunday Service October 8, 2023

“Gun Violence & the Soul of America: Thoughts and Prayers are not enough”

The statistics are staggering! What is our faithful response to proliferating gun violence in communities across this country, including Sonoma County? Faith communities are far too silent and inactive on this issue. It’s not enough to help ensure the safety of our congregation alone. Do we not have a moral and sacred responsibility to the community outside our walls to work toward ending this epidemic of violence and death?
The theme of the message for this service may be emotionally challenging or triggering for some people. It is especially not for children.
Service Leaders/Guest: Rev Dave and Rev Bev Spears
Worship Associate: Judy Withee
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Jewish Free Clinic. Drawing on Jewish traditions of Tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (repairing the world) we offer free health care services to anyone in need, without regard to religion.
***The blessing of the backpacks is back! On Sunday, October 8th, children and youth are invited to bring their backpacks with them to service and RE. After Rev. Bev’s sermon that morning, the kids and youth will bring their backpacks in to receive blessings of love and safety from the members of our congregation.

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