Sunday Service August 21, 2022

“Our Third Principle:
Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth”
We are called, by our 3rd Principle to accept one another and offer encouragement to our spiritual growth. While we are each on our individual spiritual paths we share worship in community here at UUCSR. Today we celebrate UUCSR as a deeply nurturing, supportive community, reminding ourselves that our many relationships, here and elsewhere, are precious and sometimes challenging. We accept the challenges, understanding that where there is rupture there is the possibility of repair, creating a deeper, more complex connection. We are held by our covenant which calls us all to this work of loving acceptance of each other, asking us to readily offer forgiveness of others and to acknowledge our own shortcomings. By this we grow.

Service Leader: Rev. Dave Clements, With The Right Relations Team
Worship Associate: Judy Withee
Music: Gage Purdy with The Choir, Paul Gilger
Religious Education: NO RE this week as Era is away. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast with our Neighbors.
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


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