Important Announcement from UUCSR

In-Person Services Cancelled until Shelter in Place is lifted.

We are following the Sonoma County Health Officer’s and
Governor Newsom’s recommendations.

Dear Friends,
UUCSR staff and leadership have been responding to the rapidly shifting situation, creating strategies to keep you and our community both safe and connected. We are taking the following measures:
• Worship: In-person worship services and post-service activities are suspended until the Shelter in Place order is lifted; we are making services available online.
• Religious Education: Religious Education is being offered in an online format.
• Meetings and Groups: All UUCSR business is being conducted online or by email. Saturday Breakfast Crews have permission to meet at UUCSR for short periods of time.
• Staff: The Administrative Manager, Bookkeeper, Sexton, and Pledge Secretary are doing their work in the building for short periods of time. They are being strict about social distancing, and cleaning and disinfecting.
• Our building: Please do not enter the building. If you feel you need access to the building, please call.
• Renters: The Glaser Center is closed until the Shelter in Place order is lifted.
• Neighborhood Groups: Group facilitators have been contacted, and most are having their meetings on Zoom.
• Pastoral Care Connections: Rev. Chris, and the Lay Chaplains are all available for you. If you are willing to help deliver supplies, make a phone call, assist with technology, or help those who may not be going out at this time, please contact Mac Freeman of Caring Connections. If you have decided to or are ordered to self-quarantine and need any food or other supplies while staying home, please let us know. If you are ill, have tested positive for COVID-19, and/or have been hospitalized, we hope you will let us know. We want to support you. For support, you may reach out to:
◦ Paula Hammett Chair, Lay Chaplains (, 707-280-6605)
• Communication: We are using all of the channels at our disposal, including Constant Contact, our email distribution lists, the website, and our Facebook group to be in communication with you throughout this ever-developing situation. If you are aware of anyone who fails to receive our communications, please share what you know and, if possible, provide contact info to ( to be included in future messages.
As always, please let us know how we may be of assistance, and what questions you may have.
This is a beloved community, and we are all in this together – let’s take care of one another with kindness, love, and comfort.
Era Capone, Director of Religious Education
UUCSR Board of Trustees, Natalie Brundred, President