Transcending Our Allergy to Leadership

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Susan Panttaja

Music by: Tom Rough & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: The Living Room

In his Berry Street Essay of 2012, Rev. Fred Muir warned against a “Trinity of Errors” that keeps UUism from appealing to the masses. The third is that “we refuse to acknowledge and treat our allergy to authority and power, although all the symptoms compromise a healthy future.” UUCSR has generally avoided this allergy. We trust and empower leaders like our departing Director of Religious Education, Deb Mason, whose final Sunday is today. All are invited to a celebratory potluck brunch, which will follow the early service at 10:30.

The 11:00 service will begin in the courtyard so we can all be together for some speeches. That service may run a little late today.

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