The Stranger / Albert Camus and the Call To Courage

We kick off next month’s theme (Exemplars and Pioneers) one week early with a service on the life and thought of Albert Camus, noted French existentialist and atheist. Often characterized as dark and despairing, his life and work is in truth a call to full and passionate embrace of the world, in all its contradictions. For Camus, that embrace required clear-eyed appraisals of politics, culture and his own conscience, no matter where it led him. Courage was the foundation that helped him endure the inevitable blow-back. This morning, we will examine his life and work from that prism of courage, with an assist from Robert Lunceford’s music trio La Guinguette, playing and singing some vintage French tunes.

Service Leaders: Andrew Hidas (preaching), Frances Corman, Ben Ford
Special Music by: The Choir
Basket shared with: Face-to-Face / Sonoma County AIDS Network

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