The (R)Evolution of Conscious Aging

Service Leaders: Rev. Kurt Kuhwald, Aphrodite Bellochio,

Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Breakfast For Our Neighbors

There is a new and exciting story emerging about what it means to grow into our 60’s, 70’s and beyond.  Counter to the ageist narrative dominating our society, many elders are claiming an emboldened empowerment of spirit, intellect and humanity. Aging consciously, Elders are creating a global movement that benefits all ages, transforming our very understanding of the human journey.


Rev. Kurt A. Kuhwald has served 7 congregations and 3 Community Ministries as a UU minister.  Working with a community of active and conscious elders in the North and East SF Bay Area, he is excited about the emerging vision of elders because it offers a new story of human development and transformation for these challenging times.  He is Co-facilitator of an Elder Salon in Oakland 

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