Pilgrimages and Labyrinths: Spiritual Walking

Service Leaders: Erin Howseman and Susan Panttaja,
with a Reflection by Robin Marrs

Summer Schedule
Single Service at 10am

Walking is an ancient and powerful spiritual practice. Julia Cameron, author of Vein of Gold, the Artist’s Way, writes that “Druids and Wiccans quest by walking. Tibetans make circular pilgrimages around Kalais, the sacred mountain. Native Americans walk for vision quests. Jesus also walked into the desert… All of us make a pilgrimage whenever we set ourselves outward bound for inner voyaging.” Like a pilgrimage, walking a labyrinth is a spiritual practice. The labyrinth provides the sacred space where the inner and outer worlds can commune, where the thinking mind and imaginative heart can flow together. With song, poems and reflection, we will come together and experience the inspiration that spiritual walking can bring us.

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