Hot Topics: Factor XX ~ Critically Missing from the Criminal Justice Debate

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Factor XX ~ Critically Missing from the Criminal Justice Debate

Marie De Santis, founder and director of the Women’s Justice Center will talk with us about a forgotten resource in the current logjam in the country’s search for criminal justice reform:  women, and the novel solutions they offer.  This aspect has been inexplicably overlooked. Women come to the criminal justice system with a unique set of perspectives, grievances, and skills. Despite this, and despite being half the human population, women’s vision has been all but ignored in the debates. Yet it’s precisely in this unexplored terrain that many promising and proven remedies to the whole litany of law enforcement problems lay hidden and untried.

This talk will lay out the many obvious, and many not so obvious solutions a gender analysis can provide, and will put forth specific ways in which these solutions can be applied in our community.  A look at women not as victims but as participants in the solution. 

Please join us and bring any questions you may have.
A light lunch will be available for a donation.

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