Hot Topic: The 800 Mile Wall

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Factor XX ~ Critically Missing from the Criminal Justice Debate  Has had to be rescheduled.

Instead we will be showing the film: 

The 800 Mile Wall
The 800 Mile Wall highlights the construction of the new border walls along the U.S. -Mexico border as well as the effect on migrants trying to cross into the U.S.  This powerful 90 minute film is an unflinching look at a failed U.S. border strategy.  

The film was made in 2009 and at that time already well over 5000 migrant bodies have been recovered in the U.S. deserts, mountains and canals. Unofficial reports at that time put the death toll as high as 10,000 men, women and children.  As a direct result of U.S. border policy, migrants are forced to cross more treacherous terrain in search of low skilled jobs in the United States.

This film is timely considering the current political rhetoric of some of our candidates for President. 

As always, there will be time for discussion after the film. 

Our usual custom of offering a light lunch for a donation at our Hot Topics will be altered a little as one of our TIE groups will be providing a soup and bread lunch for a donation to benefit our Breakfast Program.

You are invited to get your soup and bread and bring it to the Board Room so that we can start our film as punctually as possible.


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