Free A4SJ Film: Michael Moore’s “Capitalism: A Love Story”

movie camara A4SJ Film

The Advocates for Social Justice Film Project is pleased to present the third film in our series on “The Corruption of Our Democracy”.  We are delighted to feature another Michael Moore film, “Capitalism:  A Love Story”…a bit of a Michael Moore mini film festival.  In this 2010 film Moore examines corporate greed, the global economic meltdown and their disastrous effect on American lives.  The film explores the social costs of corporate interests pursuing profits at the expense of the social good and the current reality that economic power is held in the hands of the few.  Viewers are led to ponder the question of the price our country pays for our love of capitalism.  Compelling, this film leads us into an economic understanding of the challenges to our democracy.

Discussion, as always, follows the viewing of the film.
Please bring whatever you wish to eat.  We will offer a snack, not lunch.  Thanks.

Jeanie Bates for Social Justice Film Project

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