Free A4SJ Film: “Cornbread, Earl and Me”

movie camara A4SJ Film
ADVOCATES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE MONTHLY FILM PROJECT will present the third of a series of films on the topic of Racism. Sunday November 22nd at 12:45 P.M. Cornbread, Earl and Me”, a 1975 ninety-five minute drama that could be a story from our 2015 healdlines.  Not to reveal too much, this story has a just ending though it is replete with injustices as it unfolds.  The just ending turns on the courage of a truth telling 12 year old child.  That child is played by Laurence Fishburne.  This is a compelling story.  Discussion will follow the showing of the film, providing an opportunity to share experiences, thoughts and feelings.

We look forward to seeing you in the R.E. Common Room after the 11 A.M. service. Please feel free to bring a bag lunch

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