Sustaining Pledge

“Giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou

Sustaining pledges finance more than 80% of the congregation’s budget.  They provide a consistent level of support that is crucial to our ability to fulfill our mission and vision.   Each member of UUCSR is asked to make a sustaining pledge, as an individual or as a household.

What is a pledge?
A pledge is a good faith commitment on record to support the congregation financially on an ongoing basis.  Pledges enable us to plan ahead because we can estimate how much income the congregation expects to receive.

How much should I give?
The amount of your pledge is an individual decision for each member or friend.  There is no required minimum.  We encourage you to think about what would be a “fair share” of your income.  To find out what that means for you, see our Suggested Giving Guide. 

We value your support at whatever level you are able to give.  Every pledge and donation is important and appreciated.

How to pledge, and how to fulfill your pledge


You can skip this step if you already have a pledge in the Realm system and you don’t wish to change it.

CLICK HERE to make a new pledge, or change your existing pledge

(You will be returned to this page after you submit your pledge.  If you’re returning to this page immediately after having submitted a pledge, skip to Step 2.)

STEP 2:   GIVING: How to fulfill your pledge

Making a pledge lets the congregation know how much you plan to contribute but does not, in itself, generate payment of your pledge. You will need to initiate the payment process.  The easiest way is to set up recurring withdrawals from your credit card or bank account.  Your pledge will be fulfilled automatically at regular intervals. You can go online at any time to monitor or change your giving.

Set up new online giving
Edit your existing online giving (from your Realm profile)
Quick guide to online giving

You can also fulfill your pledge by check, mailed to the church office or placed in the Sunday collection.  Please write “Pledge” on the memo line so the office knows to credit the amount to your pledge.

For help with your pledge:

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