Sunday Service September 11, 2022

“Ingathering: So are We Bound Together?”
In Gathering Service: As drops of rain that find each other and build to become a track, a rivulet, a stream, a river, a sea, so are we drawn together; so are we fortunate to find each other; so are we bound together, on this shared passage toward an unknown ocean and eternity. Please join us for our Annual Water Communion and as we kick off the beginning of our church year together. Join us as we gather and celebrate.

Service Leader: Rev. Dave Clements & DRE Era Capone
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer
Music: Robin Rogers & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: LIME Foundation
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


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