OUR Family Values

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan
Music by: Robert Howseman and some of the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Adrienne Swenson Award

George Lakoff, author of Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think discovered that conservatives and liberals have two different ideal models of the family that he calls a Strict Father Family and a Nurturing Parent Family. This metaphor maps those models of the family onto our national moral and political life, and what you get are two very different models of the family, and with them two very different models of politics.” And, Rev. Chris will add today, two very different models of religion.

Stewards of the Web

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Jen Collins
Music by: Sadie Sonntag and The Choir 
Share the Basket: The Breakfast for our Neighbors

Climate change and environmental degradation are two of the greatest challenges facing humankind today, and addressing them is a top priority for many Unitarian Universalist activists. Transforming human behavior and thinking to create a sustainable social and ecological system is THE moral and spiritual crisis for our time. The roots of every person and culture are ultimately sunk into the Earth. Preserving her takes sacrifice, but also brings enormous joy and opening of the soul.

Exploring Unitarian Christianity

Service Leader: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty, Claire Beery
Music by: Claire Beery and some of the U-Usual Suspects
Share the Basket: UU Justice Ministry of California

Plus: New Member Ceremony!

William Ellery Channing’s 1819 sermon “Unitarian Christianity” at the ordination of Rev. Jared Sparks is one of the watershed moments in our history. It helped our ancestors identify themselves as a distinct religious movement and presented the tenets of a new kind of Christianity, which, frankly, the world could sorely use more of today. Although UUism has expanded far beyond its early Christian identity, we’ll examine the teachings of this masterpiece closely today, and a few of us may discover we don’t mind the label “Christian” after all.

Embracing Humanism

Service Leaders: Millie Phillips, Andy Levine
Music by: Sadie Sonntag and The Choir
Share the Basket: The Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration

 Our UU sources include “Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.” A self-identified “religious humanist,” Intern Minister Millie Phillips will share why a humanist outlook continues to provide spiritual grounding – and even joyous inspiration – for many UUs and may offer a soul-saving antidote to the current idolatries of our culture. 

In Search of Refuge

Service Leaders: Rev. JD Benson, Jay Roller, Susan Panttaja
Music by: Jay Roller 
Share the Basket: The Guardian Group, First UU Society of San Francisco

What does it mean to be a refugee or asylum seeker in the United States today? We can be proud that the United States is one of the countries that welcomes people who are persecuted in their home countries for their sexual orientation. What is the experience of those who are serving LGBTI people fleeing for their lives? Come hear stories of how the UUSF Refugee Guardian Group and other faith communities are helping to resettle these newcomers in northern California.

Rev. JD Benson is Assistant Minister at our San Francisco church, serving as lead minister on pastoral care. She is also the ministerial liaison to our Human Rights Working Group which includes the Refugee Guardian Group as well as anti-racism initiatives.

Jay Roller has been an LGBTI activist and is now working for human rights issues in a UU context in the Bay Area. He is also active with the Balazs Scholar Program at Starr King School for the Ministry.

Peace In The World: Music and Poetry Service

Service Leaders: Nancy Hargis, Jen Collins
Music by: Robert Howseman and some UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: SHARE Sonoma County

Join us for poetry and song to celebrate winter time. This will be a calm, musical and meditative service to bring some peace during this crazy season. This deepest time of winter brings us within where renewal begins. If you wish, you may bring something of your journey here on the altar.