Easter / Flower Communion

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Scott Miller, Veronica Jordan
Music by: The Choir
Share the Basket: The Saturday Breakfast

Let us celebrate the wonders of Life in its gorgeous, ever resurrecting splendor. Please bring a single flower or many flowers to share, as together we will create a huge beautiful bouquet for our annual Flower Communion ritual. At 11:00 our children will be in the whole service, and join in the making of music. This is an Easter service for everyone!

Good Friday

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Robert Howseman and some of the UUsual Suspects

Meditations on suffering and grief interspersed with inspirational readings and periods of extended silence provide space to discover the presence of the Spirit of Life even in times of death and despair.

Holy Thursday

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Robert Howseman and some of the UUsual Suspects

We mark the night of the Last Supper with a modern and very UU celebration of the ancient rituals of communion and foot washing. All are welcome!

The Word Made Image: Exploring Christian Art And Iconography

Service Leaders: Millie Phillips, Eric Fischer
Music by: Natalie Brundred and some of the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Women’s Justice Center

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Visual images reach us powerfully in a way that words often cannot. Intern Minister Millie Phillips shares images from the history of Christianity, inviting us to explore them with contemporary UU eyes.

Live The Questions

Service Leaders: Rev. Debra Haffner, Frances Corman
Music by: The Choir
Share the Basket: Buckelew Programs

How does our faith help us explore the “big” questions and live into our answers? The Reverend Dr. Debra Haffner is our guest minister today. The Reverend Dr. Debra Haffner is the President of the Religious Institute (www.religiousinstitute.org) and the endorsed community minister at The Unitarian Church in Westport. She has been a consultant to the UUA and its congregations across the country, a member of the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and received the Ministry to Women award from the UUWomen’s Federation.

The Spirit of Art

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Scott Miller
Music by: Ben Ford and some of the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: The Living Room

Through the ages art and spirituality have been intimately linked. For centuries most art centered on religious themes and stories. We’ll expand on last week’s service on creativity by looking at the spiritual dimensions of art, in particular, Zen art and modern abstract art, which (not coincidentally) are two of Rev. Chris’s favorites. Bring your glasses – there will be many images shown.

On Creativity

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, David Hope
Music by: The Choir
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast For Our Neighbors

Creativity is one of the miracles of life. The universe evolves. Once the Earth was only rock and fire. Over time it came up with giraffes, orchids, clouds, and you. People constantly come up with new ideas, new objects, new technologies, new insights. We write new songs. Every person has the capacity to be creative. And all hope for a challenging future depends upon creativity! Today we’ll celebrate this miracle and explore its sacred dimension.

On Following Your Gut

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Cathy Read
Music by: John Ray and some of the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: West County Health Centers

Unitarian Universalists historically have had a special fondness for the capacity of reason and for the powers of the intellect. But not all of existence, or even our own lives and minds, can be captured under that banner. Many of us have had powerful experiences of intuition, epiphanies, and other moments of direct experience that are hard to explain. What are we to make of these? Can we trust ourselves even when it is our gut instead of our head that is leading the way?

Love Can Set You Free

Service Leaders: Millie Phillips, Eric Fischer
Music by: Sadie Sonntag and The Choir ; the U-Usual Suspects Valentunes
Share the Basket: Catholic Charities Family Support Center

Valentine’s Day— yes, you guessed it, the topic is Love: romantic love, familial love, “justice is what love looks like in public.” Intern Minister Millie Phillips explores what all forms of love share in common.

Wings Set Us Free: Intergenerational Service at 10:00

Presented by the Children of the Religious Education Program
(One service only)

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Deborah Mason, and many children 
Music by: Children of the Religious Education Program
Share the Basket: Restorative Resources

The story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull – trippy and mystical though it may be – offers a powerful lesson in following your own path and finding true freedom. Through words, actions and songs our children will help Rev. Chris and Deborah tell this magical tale. Come and learn to fly!

Please note the special times and the congregational meeting and spread the word.