Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Millie Phillips, Cathy Read

Music by: Alan Bell, John Ray, the UUsual Suspects, Tessa McClary

Share the ENTIRE Basket: International Rescue Committee*

Nature Herself is our greatest teacher. As the cycle of the year moves toward darkest night and shortest day, we consider the lessons, challenges and comforts that Mother Earth offers us in the eternal changing of the seasons.

 *Our fellow members Shirley White, Linda Harlow and Pam Tennant have recently become closely involved with an organization that helps settle refugees from war-torn areas in the Middle East. Through the Oakland branch of the International Rescue Committee, a highly regarded NGO, they have become particularly well acquainted with an Afghani family that was forced to flee their homeland for their lives. The father, who speaks English, served as a translator for the U.S. Army during our military engagement there. Our government has been shamefully negligent in supporting and resettling such dutiful servants of our country, in spite of what has amounted to a death sentence by the Taliban and other extremists since the U.S. withdrawal.
What do I mean by shamefully negligent? Among many other challenges, this family was responsible for the cost of their own airfare in order to get to the United States.
Since that ain’t right, on Sunday we’re going to give the ENTIRE collection to the IRC towards reimbursing the cost of those flights.
 I hope you will be generous.
Rev. Chris
Want to learn more?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Deborah Mason
Music by: Robert Howseman & the UUsual Suspects

Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
Join us Christmas morning for a contemplative service of music and readings celebrating peace. Come in your jammies if you want. We’ll have hot cocoa. One service only, at 10:00am!


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Millie Phillips, Joe Gabaeff, Deborah Mason Music by: Anthony Martin and the Choir, Tessa McClary

Share the Basket: Minister’s Discretionary Fund
We remember and give thanks for the life and teaching of Jesus, in whose words many Unitarians, Universalists, and UUs, have placed their trust. In our time of uncertainty, his bravery and compassion toward “the least,” and his teaching about loving your enemies is more vital than ever.


Service Leaders: Millie Phillips, Scott Miller

Music by: Anthony Martin and the Choir, Tessa McClary

Share the Basket: The Living Room


As we end Chalica, we focus on our seventh principle, which recalls to us the indigenous wisdom that tells us we are a part of, not apart from, the Great Big Thing. Building respectfully on the words of Chief Seattle, this service will help us understand various meanings of the idea of “web.” The aim will be to teach us ways of healing the many kinds of alienation that we are heir to.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Claire Beery, Susan Panttaja, the UUsual Suspects, Tessa McClary
Share the Basket: Social Advocates for Youth

We’ll consider the big events of 2016 (any come to mind?), and take time for private reflection on our own personal milestones. We also look ahead to the year 2017. What milestones do we hope we are celebrating one year from now? How will our faith lead us there?

One service only, at 10:00am!



Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Deborah Mason, Jen Collins

Music by: Robin Rogers, John Ray, the UUsual Suspects, Tessa McClary

Share the Basket: Redwood Empire Food Bank
Let’s kick off the winter holiday season with our own UU observance, Chalica, a kid-friendly celebration of our Principles through story and song. As a community we will light a flame for each Principle over the course of a week as a way of recommitting to the values that most deeply bind us. Don’t yet have a Chalice at home? This is a good time to get or make or repurpose one!


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Anthony Martin & the Choir, Tessa McClary
Share the Basket: Breakfast for Our Neighbors
Gratitude, it has been said, is the very essence of Unitarian Universalist spirituality. Gratitude isn’t just a feeling. It is something we can practice, much like one might practice yoga or even practice for a play. Many of us find that being generous back toward the world is the
best way to say “Thanks!” for the many blessings we have received. A fun story for all ages and some great music will help complete our Thanksgiving today.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Susan Panttaja, Others

Music by: Robert Howseman, Alan Bell, and the UUsual Suspects, Tessa McClary

Share the Basket: YWCA Safe Place
We will celebrate the inherent worth and dignity of all people and the beautiful uniqueness of each person’s gender expression, whatever it may be. We will memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of trans-phobia and bring attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Andrew Hidas
Music by: Anthony Martin & the Choir, Tessa McClary
Share the Basket: Women’s Justice Center
The interminable, embarrassing, depressing spectacle that was the American Presidential Election will be over just five days ago. Today we will consider its implications for our democracy and our future, and how we will keep the faith and keep our hope alive, no matter what has happened. (Part Two)