Justice for Immigrants

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan, Deb Mason
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman

Continuing our series on the local social justice issues that the North Bay Organizing Project will focus on for the next 2-3 years, we’ll consider the realities of life as an immigrant in our county and our country. Their stories are often equally harrowing and inspiring. Come hear about the good work already underway to make our community as inclusive, safe, and free as possible for all our residents, and how you can help.

Justice for the Earth and Her Creatures

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Joe Gabaeff, Deb Mason
Music by: John Ray & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Redwood Empire Food Bank

In November the North Bay Organizing Project, of which our congregation is a prominent member, adopted three issues to focus our local work for a more just and sustainable society. Today we’ll look at the first of these, the protection and preservation of our natural environment and our collective response to the challenges of a changing climate, and consider what our congregation can do to help the cause. And we’ll sing love songs to the planet.


One Service at 10:00AM
Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty, Deb Mason
Music by: Susan Panttaja & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for our Neighbors
We consider the big events of 2017, and take time for private reflection on our own personal milestones. We also look ahead to the year 2018. What milestones do we hope to celebrate one year from now? How will our faith lead us there?

JOY TO THE WORLD – Christmas Eve Evening Service

Service at 6:00 pm
Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Joe Gabaeff, Deb Mason
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & The Choir, Roger
Corman Share the Basket: Minister’s Discretionary FundA joyful celebration of the great healer and teacher, Jesus, and the true spirit of the Holiday season, replete with carols and candles. In the midst of the madness, come savor a moment of true stillness, and fill your soul with hope. All are warmly welcome – invite a friend!

ON WAITING – Christmas Eve Morning Service

One MORNING Service at 10:00AM
Service Leaders: Susan Panttaja, Rev. Chris Bell, Deb Mason
Music by: The UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Minister’s Discretionary Fund
As the year winds down and winter sets in, we find ourselves waiting and hoping – for the return of light, for birth or rebirth, for peace, healing and rebuilding. Today we gather for contemplation, prayer, and song. We acknowledge the necessity of waiting. We dream of what is yet to come.


Potluck dinner at 5:30 pm Service at 6:00 pm
Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Aphrodite Bellochio, CUUPS
Music by: The UUsual Suspects
Now darkness triumphs, and yet soon gives way and changes into light. Our UU Solstice celebration draws from a variety of sacred traditions. Familyfriendly! Please bring drums! The Solstice service will be preceded by a big potluck supper.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan, Deb Mason
Music by: Robert Howseman & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Living Room
The power of hope in facing medical challenges is well-established, but not without limits. After all, every life comes to an end, no matter how much care we receive. We must always have hope, though that hope must be realistic. Veronica Jordan, our worship associate, shares experiences as a doctor.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Cathy Read, Deb Mason
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & The Choir, The UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Living Room

Today we will celebrate Deborah Mason’s 10 years of service as the Director of Religious Education at UUCSR, and prepare to bid her farewell in January. We will also look enthusiastically to the future of our Religious Education programs. The children sing at the early service.


Service Leaders: Rev. Mary McKinnon Ganz, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Mary Chapot and UU Usual Suspects
Share the Basket: Redwood Credit Union Fire Fund

We enter Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas in the Christian tradition, carrying so much that needs to be healed. The Christmas story proclaims that hope may be found in the unlikeliest places. Today we consider stories from a Bible study gathering in the streets of San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood.
Rev. Mary McKinnon Ganz is a Unitarian Universalist minister, who serves both the Faithful Fools Street Ministry and as Assistant Minister for the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco.

YUM Is the New OM: Savoring Life through Intuitive Meditation

Service Leaders: Nancy Wang Gaeden, Deborah Maspn, Scott Miller, Sadie Sonntag
Music By: Sadie Sonntag and the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for Our Neighbors

Meditation: What is it like, truly, to love being in the moment? To be fully present to celebrate life in all its colors, flavors, and textures? We’ve all experienced such wondrous moments – when a few seconds, minutes, or even hours felt timeless in the company of something we adore. Not only are we inherently built to experience meditation, it is an instinct we all have to fully connect with life, and a way to deeply rest and rejuvenate. Intuitive meditation can be a universal practice to savor both the inner and outer life, using all of our senses, and depth of spirit – to stay curious, strong, and kind.