Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rev. Dara Olandt, Aphrodite Bellocchio
Music by: Anna Harriette Foshee (piano) and Caroline Foshee (oboe); Roger Corman (piano)
Share the Basket: Interlink Self-Help Center

We are one and yet we are many. This true not just of the human family, but of everything in the Universe. It has always been true and always will be. Discovering and praising what unites us while honoring and celebrating our beautiful differences is the heart of the spiritual path in general, and of this community in particular. It matters a lot. The future of the nation and the species hinges upon our understanding of how these seemingly paradoxical qualities of our existence are integrated through Love.


Service Leaders: Andrew Hidas, Sharon McCarty, Jen Freese
Music by: Alan Bell and the UU Usual Suspects
Share the Basket: Alianza for Equity Fund

Charles Dickens kicked off “The Tale of Two Cities” with those lines in 1859. The part he left out was all the time in between, the regular times, where most humans spend most of their lives. In this service, we’ll recruit various artists and thinkers from across the centuries to help us explore ecstasy, misery and mundanity as a kind of “immortal continuum” that gives shape to the human experience./p>


Worship Leaders: Joe Gabaeff, Eric Fischer, Jen Freese
Music Associates:  Natalie Brundred with the UUsual Suspects, and Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for our Neighbors

One can hardly throw a stone in spirituality without hitting the exultation of light as divine force.  Let there be light!  Go forward with the light! The light in me, sees the light in you!  But maybe light only illuminates a truer divine force: gravity.  The most powerful sources of gravity, Black Holes, are the ultimate mystery of our Universe, holding This all together.  Join us in exploring, intellectually and spiritually, the truly unknowable.


Service Leaders: Robert Howseman, Scott Miller, and John Ray
Music by: The Musical Ministers of the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Music as a shared human experience is, for many of us, a peak human experience—the joining of our very pulses with those of hundreds or thousands of others lifts the illusion of our separateness and returns us to our common humanity.  Through history, those interested in human liberty have used the power of shared music to teach these lessons.  Join the musical ministers of UUCSR in a meditation-through-song exploration of these themes.  The lessons this exploration can teach us will give us clues about how to do lasting, powerful spiritual work in these troubled times.


Presenters: Susan Panttaja, Phil Harriman, Rob Carlisle, and Erica Mikesh
Music: Mary Chapot, John Ray, Eric Skagerberg, Robert Howseman; Roger Corman
Share the Offering: Housing Connection

Science is often seen as incompatible with religion and faith, yet our UU tradition embraces science and reason. On topics as diverse as sexuality, gender, global climate change, and our relationships with each other and the cosmos, our UU principles and activism are informed by the latest scientific thought. This morning, we will hear from our own congregants about how science informs their search for truth and meaning.


Service Leaders: Russ Powell (guest speaker), Izzy Fischer, Jen Freese

Music by: Robert Howseman & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Live Music Lantern

Join Russ Powell (former Jesuit novice and retired professional juggler) as he uses the art and practice of juggling as a springboard for examining our lives and taking next steps along our spiritual paths. We’ll explore themes of trusting yourself, letting go, and listening to your heart, even when the way seems dark or uncertain. And, yes, there will be juggling!


Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Veronica Jordan

Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir; Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Breakfast for Our Neighbors

Today we explore sources of wisdom in our lives. From the “mouths of babes” to ancient stories, where does wisdom “come from”? How does wisdom shape your daily life and interactions especially in a fast paced, post-modern world?


Summer schedule begins!

One service only at 10:00.

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell; Joe Gabaeff

Music by: Alan Bell & this week’s UUCSR band; Roger Corman

Share the Basket: The Arlene Francis Center

“Play is, first and foremost, an expression of freedom. It is what one wants to do as opposed to what one is obliged to do. The joy of play is the ecstatic feeling of liberty. Play is not always accompanied by smiles and laughter, nor are smiles and laughter always signs of play; but play is always accompanied by a feeling of ‘Yes, this is what I want to do right now.’” – Dr. Peter Gray

“In India, the world is not seen as an artifact, but as a drama. And therefore God is not the maker and architect of the universe but the actor of it, and is playing all the parts at once.”

– Alan Watts.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell; Sharon McCarty
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir; Roger Corman
Share the Basket: California Rural Legal Assistance

We are all getting older, no matter what our current age. And, some of us are a lot older than others! What advantages come with accumulating many years? What wisdom of the aged is part of the wisdom of the ages? What should our children know? We’ll hear the voices of a number of congregational elders today at our single service, held at 9:15.

At 11:00, please plan on sticking around for one of our mandatory thrice-yearly congregational meetings. Democracy requires ritual observances to survive. This is ours.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Aphrodite

Music by: Robin Rogers & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Sonoma County Vet Connect

“Blessed are those who find Sophia, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver, and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.” Proverbs 3:13