Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan, Rev. Dara Olandt, Jen Freese
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the UUCSR Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Restorative Resources

The United States remains the only country in the world not to ratify the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of the Child. The ONLY one. Today, after scowling and shaking our heads about that sorry fact, we’ll consider and affirm the rights of children and renew our commitment to future generations. We’ll also have a New Member Ceremony at 11:00

Heaven and Hell

APRIL THEME: Salvation/Wholeness

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rose St. John, Bev Spears
Music by: Mary Chapot & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Parkinson’s Support Group of Sonoma Count
People love to divide the world into good and evil. They also love to divide the world to come in the same way. Universalists reject this division. Today we’ll consider the history of the concepts of Heaven and Hell and what they teach us anything about ourselves. For those who wish, fire and brimstone will be available for a small donation.


Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Judy Withee
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the UUCSR Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
What do you make of “truth”? What does Unitarian Universalism have to say about truth? Is it all “relative”? What about the “truths of our relatives”? All are welcome for this service of inquiry and hope.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Cathy Read, Lou Gwendolyn
Music by: John Ray & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: 100% to Russian River Alliance Workforce Housing Fund  for Flood Relief.
The Tao Te Ching says, “The Master trusts people who are trustworthy. She also trusts people who aren’t trustworthy. This is true trust.” What does that mean? Is such trust realistic or desirable? What about when our trust has been broken?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rev. Dara Olandt, Eric Fischer, Dylan Graham
Music by: Sally Jones & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Sutter Health Cancer Support groups
The great Unitarian theologian and social ethicist James Luther Adams used an image from the story of David and Goliath to describe the essence of liberal religion. These “five smooth stones” are the beautiful ideas that can vanquish the imposing giant of superstitious and dogmatic religion. What are they?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rev. Dara Olandt, Joe Gabaeff, Bev Spears
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the UUCSR Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Vital Immigration Defense Advocacy and Services (VIDAS)
According to Aldous Huxley, there are some core truths about existence that transcend time and culture, which mystics and philosophers of all stripes have agreed upon. We’ll look at them today and see if his argument holds.


Service Leaders: Rev. Dr. Leisa Huyck and Richard Senghas
Music by: Susan Panttaja & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Three Seconds in October (the Andy Lopez story)
What can we hold onto when lies break our world apart? Under collapsed structures of shared understanding, is there a deeper truth? When all seems to be chaos, how can we take the broken pieces and make something beautiful and new?
Rev. Dr. Leisa Huyck, a former ecologist, called to help our society make the spiritual transformation we need in order to live on our beautiful, blue-green planet sustainably, with love and justice for all. You can find her community ministry online at

Do We Have to Forget if We Forgive?

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Izzy Fischer,
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for our Neighbors

An exploration of forgiveness as a form of surrender and letting go, and the challenges in doing so. What if that which we are trying to forgive is something that we cannot forget, or which is still impacting our lives? The science of forgiveness as well as the teachings of enlightened teachers will offer some insights.

Love, Surrender & Letting Go

Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Aphrodite Bellochio, Rev. Chris Bell
Music by: Robin Rogers & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket:  The Children’s Program of the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project.

It’s not always easy to know how to love ourselves, or others, and how to make fulfilling connections. Does “letting go” mean giving up? How can we transform some of the attachments and ways of being that constrict our relationships to self and others, and grow more deeply connected relationships? 

A Year of Surrender

Service Leaders: Rev. Bonnie Dlott, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Forest Unlimited

The word “surrender” can bring up images of defeat or downfall, but is there also something life-affirming in surrender?  Today’s guest preacher faced a frightening health crisis in 2017 in which surrender played a major role in her survival. Join us today for reflections on the intersection of mortality, grace, and surrender.

Rev. Bonnie Dlott is a native of the Bay Area who served the Napa congregation for eleven years, retiring in 2017. Before being called to the ministry, she earned a doctorate in Biological Chemistry. She identifies as a nature mystic, finding the sacred in the natural world and in acts of kindness.