2nd Anniversary of The Fires

Children’s Religious Education at 9:15

Service Leader: Rev. Bryan Plude, Izzy Fischer, Jen Freese
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: California Human Development

On this, the 2nd anniversary of The Fires, we’ll engage in an old-time pulpit exchange with the UU Fellowship of Chico. Our former intern minister Rev. Bryan Plude will preach here, and share from his experiences with the Paradise fire last year, while Rev. Chris preaches before the Chico congregation.


Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Rev. Chris Bell
Music by: Some musical UUs

The 10 days that span between the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah (Sept 30th) and Yom Kippur (Oct.9) are known as the Days of Awe. Anticipating the day of Yom Kippur, we’ll gather for community, reflection, spiritual practice and celebration. With Rev. Dara, Rev. Chris and Members of the UU Jewish Community at UUCSR.


Children’s Religious Education at 9:15

Service Leader: Rev. Chris Bell, Joe Gabaeff & Jen Freese
Music by: Alan Bell, Eric Skagerberg & some musical UUs, Roger Corman, everyone
Share the Basket:  Borders and Beyond

How might we best conceive of living intentionally in spiritual community, towards the goal of our maximum happiness and impact on the world? As a team, not as a club. Belonging to a team is much more fun, interesting and useful than joining a club. And guess what? You’ve already been picked for the starting lineup!


Children’s Religious Education at 9:15

Service Leader: Rev. Chris Bell, Judy Withee
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket:  Side by Side/You Thrive Program

It’s a heavy word isn’t it? A lot of different people have experienced “prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.” That’s oppression. Yet, frequently their experiences aren’t acknowledged as oppression by others whose experiences are different, and sometimes even by those whose experiences are similar. We know we want to end oppression. What do we mean, and how might we get there?


Two Services at 9:15 and 11:00.
Children’s Religious Education at 9:15

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rev. Dara Olandt, Richard Senghas
Music by: John Ray & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for our Neighbors

A plant that might, shall we say should grow 10ft high will never get there if you keep it in a 6” pot. Our souls are like this, too. As is our congregation. For ourselves and each other, maybe it’s time for some repotting and fresh soil, so that the life force may flow more freely. Then, I know this rose will open!


BACK TO TWO SERVICES! 9:15 and 11:00

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rev. Dara Olandt, Cathy Read, Jen Freese
Music by: Sadie Sonntag and the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket:  Roseland Through College Mentor Program

Rev. Chris climbs on a rock. We walk around the building. The Choir returns from their summer hiatus. We conduct the Water Communion. It’s Ingathering! Both services are FOR ALL AGES, but most kids will come at 9:15. We’re going to have a transformative and empowering year together. Are you ready to ruuuuuuuumble?!?

From Sex to Religion: Transcendence or Immanence

Service Leaders: Bill Stayton, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Mary Chapot, Kathy Stayton, Nancy Hayashibara, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Borders and Beyond

Why are two fundamentally different subjects, sex and religion, so often closely related in most people’s life story? Our own Bill Stayton, guest preacher today, will discuss the relationship between religion, our bodies and sexual pleasure.

A member of UUCSR, Bill Stayton is a retired American Baptist minister, psychologist, and sexologist. He was a pastor, a hospital chaplain, medical school professor, and therapist.

Labor Day

Service Leader: Rev. Chris Bell, Eric Fischer
Music by: Sally and Randy Jones & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Humanidad Therapy and Education Services (HTES)

Those who make the raw materials for our society, who pick our fruit, who clean up, who take away the garbage, who chop up the meat, or cook it or serve it are usually on the very bottom rungs of the wealth ladder. So too, incredibly, those who care for our elders and who teach the next generation. It shouldn’t be that way. Today we will gratefully honor all who do the hard work of the world. We’ll also sing some great anthems.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan
Music by: Susan Panttaja & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for Our Neighbors

Love is the doctrine of this church,” reads the hymnal, “and service is its prayer.” This doctrine understands that “thoughts and prayers,” which our political leaders are so quick to offer in times of tragedy, don’t mean much when they only stay at the level of words and intentions. Many prayers can only be answered, or even offered, with actions. The Great Big Thing relies on human hands!


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Dylan Graham
Music by: Celeste Ray, Roger Corman
Share the Basket:The Southeast Greenway Campaign

Hopefully, you were inspired by Rev. Dara’s service and have been pursuing, or at least considering a spiritual practice. Today, Rev. Chris, a long-time meditator and regular prayer of prayers, will forego a sermon and take your (anonymous) questions about spiritual practice.