Sunday Service February 27th, 2022

Widening the Circle – JUBILEE & JOINING
February 27th, 2022


“Jubilee” Service, Joining Ceremony- Jubilee is an old religious practice of forgiving debts and setting prisoners free, so that our own souls may be replenished. What debts do we need forgiven in order to set our own spirits free, or, maybe more importantly, what do we need to forgive?
New Member Ceremony – With Reception to follow the service.
Please join us in Welcoming our new members!
Service Leader: Rev. Julie Brock
Worship Associates: Clare Whitfield
Music: Alan Bell and Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join:
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them to: by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Sebastopol Senior Center
The Sebastopol Area Senior Center creates and maintains an environment that encourages independence for older adults by providing learning, social and recreational opportunities in the continuing pursuit of a healthy life. In collaboration with the Council on Aging, they provide meals to home-bound seniors, memory loss programs, and individual services such as legal and housing resources. For more info:
Use the GIVE NOW button here or on UUCSR’s website.

Sunday Service February 20th, 2022

Widening the Circle With our Neighbors
February 20th, 2022


As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people.  This month’s theme of Widening the Circle gives opportunity to examine how we hold and recognize the pain of others, and our own pain, in the context of current dominance cultures that typically disregard, ignore or shame such pain.  Drawing on wisdom from a masculine path of healing, we will invite and explore the question:  what does it mean to live in a culture where our pain matters?
Service Leader: Joe Gabaeff
Worship Associates: Craig Cohen and Sondra Schwartz -UUCSR Linda Lampson
Music: Amanda Nelson with the UUCM Choir and Milton Wong
Milestones: During the service, there will be an opportunity to put Joys and Sorrows in the chat, and they will be shared with the congregation while a candle is lit.
Share the Basket: Saturday breakfast Share with our neighbors

Sunday Service February 13th, 2022

Open Your Heart and Widen the Circle
February 13th, 2022


In church we often talk about love for our neighbors, love for the stranger, and love for the other. We don’t talk about romantic love all that much, but I wonder if they are oh so different? In any kind of loving relationship one needs to open their heart and expand who they are. Let’s celebrate valentines day, at church!
Service Leaders: Rev. Julie Brock
Worship Associates: Eric Fischer
Music: Robin Rogers & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone
Share the Basket: Forest Unlimited

Sunday Service February 6th, 2022

February 6th, 2022


It’s called the Civil Rights Movement not the Civil Rights Project. The struggle for what is good, and right, and just is always a thing in motion, and sometimes it seems interminable. The old Spiritual song tells us, “You gotta move when the spirit says move.” But what if the Spirit stops speaking? What do we do then?
Service Leaders: Rev. Bev Spears
Worship Associates: Judy Withee and Bill Stayton
Music: Roger Corman

Sunday Service January 16th, 2022

January 16th

Malcolm and Martin: Comparing Malcolm X and MLK most people know Malcolm X as the guy that said “by any means necessary”, and MLK as the non-violent one. What if, however, our perceptions of the two men are tainted not by their actual actions and words, but how they made us feel? One we remember as welcoming and talking about love, the other we remember as confrontational and talking about violence. Are our memories correct? Come to church to find out.

Minister: Rev. Julie Brock

Worship Associates: Judy Withee & Susan Bartholome

Music: Roger Corman

Sunday Service January 9th, 2022

Inoculated Against Each Other?
January 9th
Most of the time when Unitarian Universalist Minister preach about justice issues, they are preaching to the choir, sometimes literally. Sometimes, however, there are issues that cut through the community, where people, even within UU circles don’t agree. Vaccines seems to be in controversial topic of our times. But if we don’t talk about controversial things, we will never make it through together.
Service Leader: Rev. Julie Brock
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer
Music: Alan Bell and Roger Corman

Sunday, January 2nd, 2022


Please join us for the first service of the New Year on Sunday, January 2, 2022. The theme for the month of January is Living with Intention and the service topic is Reflect, Release, Renew. Our Lay Chaplains, who have witnessed, held our hands, and listened well to all our joys and sorrows throughout 2021, will lead us in a contemplative service in which we will pause to reflect on the joys and sorrows of the past year, release that which no longer serves us, and renew our commitment to live with grace, hope, and love in the new year. The service will include readings, meditation, beautiful music, and ritual.

Lay Chaplains: Paula Hammett, Bruce Hope, Lucia Milburn, Judy Ervice, Mary Lill Lee, Gayle Shirley, Barbara Kezur

Worship Associate: Judy Withee

Sunday, December 26, 2021 Worship Service

SERVICE LEADER: Roger Corman, guest speaker WORSHIP ASSOCIATE: Clare Whitfield MUSICIAN: Sally Jones

Groundhog Day. Did you see the movie in the ’90s? Bill Murry was tortured by having to live the same day over and over again. In the end though, he was able to turn his circumstance into opportunity. He perfected his day, and made the most out of it. What if we lived each day as if it were practice for improving ourselves for the rest of our lives? Come hear about it from someone talented enough to preach and play for this service, as Roger Corman is our guest speaker.


SERVICE LEADER: Rev. Julie Brock and Rev. Bev Spears
MUSICIAN: Roger Corman

BIRTHING NEW HOPE FOR THE WORLD- Come join us for a contemplative Christmas Eve service complete with candles, stories, and a celebration of the season of hope.