Hot Topic: Medicare Changes and Choices for 2017

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Medicare Changes and Choices for 2017.  

Presented by:  Alan Piombo, a HICAP Couselor at Senior Advocacy Services in Petaluma.
HICAP is a Medicare Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program which, provides beneficiaries with unbiased individual assistance and advocacy related to their Medicare benefits as well as community educational opportunities. HICAP counselors do not charge for any services, sell any product or make any decisions for the individuals.  

During the Oct.15-Dec.7 Annual Open Enrollment Period, we have the opportunity to examine our plans and learn about changes which will occur and learn about other options which are available to us should we want to change. This timely seminar will focus on the following topics:

Part D Prescription Options
Understanding your Part A or B Benefits
Cost Saving Considerations
Medigap Advantage Plan Choices
Question & Answer period

Come join us and bring your questions.
A light lunch will be available for a donation.

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