CUUPs Maypole Beltane celebration Sunday 11:30 AM

It is that time of the year that makes the leap from Winter’s cold to warm wonderful Spring weather. In other words, Beltane has arrived. It is time to honor our Mother Earth and her fertility as she brings all her plants back from their long Winter sleep.  It is time for a May Pole celebration, hosted by our own chapter of CUUPs, the Covenant of UU Pagans. The children will make their own flower crowns that day in Religious Education as they learn a little Beltane history. We will have some flower hair crowns and Green Man masks for adult dancers. If you have your crown from previous years, wear it with pride that day! We will also need many chanters to sing us around the circle. We will be dancing the May Pole in the courtyard immediately after the 10:30am service ends. For more information: email

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