
Week of December 14, 2014

Officer of the Day: Phil Harriman
The Coffee Hosts: Cori Hall, Nancy Steinbock, Carol Weisker, & Irene Martin
Listening Devices: Dan Reid

SHARE THE COLLECTION – Today we will share our collection with CERES community Project, the
group which presented a Hot Topic to us in November. CERES grows and prepares wonderfully
healthy food for patients facing life threatening illnesses, and trains local teenagers to grow and
prepare this food. Your donation will go far.

HOT TOPICS: Food for Thought and Face to Face will jointly present information about their ongoing
for programs for AIDS patients. Face to Face provides community prevention and education services
to combat the spread of HIV and to assist those living with AIDs. Food for Thought is dedicated to
meeting the nutritional needs of men, women and children living with or affected by AIDS in Sonoma

A FOOD BARREL It may look as if it’s not being used, but actually the Food Bank empties it for us as
we donate our non-perishable foods. Please join us in giving food to the needy this Christmas

CORRECTION OF CHRISTMAS SERVICE: Please note that the listing in our December newsletter
for the Christmas service is incorrect. Our Christmas service will be at 6 pm on Christmas Eve
(Wednesday, Dec. 24). No services will be held on Christmas day.

HOLIDAY CARDS: are still available in the lobby. Please buy some because they are lovely and well
priced and because the total price you pay goes to UU Service Committee to help with their justice
and service work.

THE SCRIPTURE GROUP LED BY REV. CHRIS is meeting on next Tuesday at 8 am and 5:30 pm.
The reading for this meeting is from the Old Testament, Joshua. Read it all or as much as you can.
Come join us for discussion.

PLEASE CONTRIBUTE WARM SOX to give to our Saturday Breakfast guests at Christmas. If
everyone brings one or 2 pair, we’ll have plenty. A well marked container will be in the staff workroom
during the week and near the office door on Sundays. Thanks from all of them & from the chair!

ARE YOU UU-CURIOUS – or perhaps even walking the path to membership? The next Getting to
Know UU class is being held on SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 9am to 12:30pm in the RE (religious
education) wing at UUCSR. Whether you are new to UU or a long time member, this class offers rich
history and a chance to meet new friends. Learn Unitarian Universalist history, discover the roots of
UUSCR (our congregation) and explore the sacred in theory and practice. Sign up at the
Visitor/Welcome table any time before the class date or contact Michele Murphy. This class is open to
everyone and is required for UUCSR membership.

THE REFLECTIONS BOOK – A Circle of Voices – will be on sale after the service in the social hall.
This is a beautiful, gift-worthy collection of worship associates’ reflections and homilies by Rev. Chris
with art work. Stop and check it out – all proceeds go to the congregation.

VISIT THE ESCRIP TABLE: What is eScrip? A method for merchants (both stores and on-line) to
donate $$$ to UUCSR based on your purchases from them – costing you nothing and providing
UUCSR with significant funds. A table is set up in the Narthex with friendly volunteers to answer
questions, provide information and help you get signed up and started. Please come by – even if you
are already signed up for eScrip. There are many new opportunities to help UUCSR with little effort
on your part.

CARING FOR OUR SPIRITUAL HOME: Just as we pick up, put things away, empty trash and wash
dishes at the home where we live, we MUST do same for our spiritual home. We have no janitor, and
no dishwasher. Our Sexton is only present 3 days a week, and is not responsible for cleaning up
after us. Please: rinse any tableware, dishes very well and stack in the racks provided by the
kitchen door. If a rack is full, instructions for the sanitizer are posted in the kitchen. No one wants to
wash YOUR dishes. PS: If your meeting included food and the waste basket now has food in it,
please empty it in one of the large trash cans in the kitchen or work area – otherwise, the next user
will have to meet in a room full of stinky food smells!

ANNOUNCEMENTS & ORDER OF SERVICE INFORMATION deadline is Weds. noon. Send to OR click on Publicize UUCSR Events on our website at and follow the directions. WE HAVE ONLY 1 PAGE FOR ALL SO PLEASE BE