Sunday Service February 20th, 2022

Widening the Circle With our Neighbors
February 20th, 2022


As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people.  This month’s theme of Widening the Circle gives opportunity to examine how we hold and recognize the pain of others, and our own pain, in the context of current dominance cultures that typically disregard, ignore or shame such pain.  Drawing on wisdom from a masculine path of healing, we will invite and explore the question:  what does it mean to live in a culture where our pain matters?
Service Leader: Joe Gabaeff
Worship Associates: Craig Cohen and Sondra Schwartz -UUCSR Linda Lampson
Music: Amanda Nelson with the UUCM Choir and Milton Wong
Milestones: During the service, there will be an opportunity to put Joys and Sorrows in the chat, and they will be shared with the congregation while a candle is lit.
Share the Basket: Saturday breakfast Share with our neighbors

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