Committees and Teams




The basic organizing unit of Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa (UUCSR) is the committee. We practice the dual arts of becoming leaders and servants through working with others. Some committees are dedicated to the congregation’s vision and future, some reach out, some reach within, and many are charged to get certain tasks done to keep the congregation thriving.

Service to our fellow members is a rewarding experience. As a volunteer-led organization, we are always delighted to help you get involved in one of our many volunteer opportunities. Please contact the office for more information about committee service, and other ways to help.

NOTE: Committees which deal with confidential information about our members — for example Caring, Finance, Membership, or Shared Ministry — are generally appropriate only for members. If you are not yet a member, the administrator or one of our Membership Committee volunteers can help you select among many volunteer opportunities, including the committees which are open to all. We appreciate your generous support!

Adult Education
We could use your wisdom and knowledge! Help us plan, promote and present courses and events of interest to UUCSR and the broader community.
 Audio Crew
We run the soundboard, provide hearing assistive equipment during worship, and record the worship services and other events.
 Building Maintenance
We are responsible for the overall care of the building, along with legal and civil concerns related to our ownership. We always appreciate more volunteers for Saturday work days, held on the first Saturday of each month. Contacts: Claudia Mayfield, chair; Fred Dodge, deputy chair; Bud Willis, recorder, or Jim Wolfe, deputy recorder
Caring Connections

Caring Connections goal is to insure that members of the congregation receive care in times of crisis and need.  We particularly attend to the needs of the elderly and the ill, although not limited to this category.   We reach out to all.  We provide a confidential ministry of support and caring so that no member of our congregation feels alone.  We coordinate rides, meals, cards and calls.  We also have resources for end-of-life, elder care, and other health questions.  Please feel free to contact Chair, Gail Alford.    

Children’s Religious Education Steering Committee
We provide support for the Director of Religious Education in finding and coordinating volunteers, reviewing curricula, proposing and executing special events and representing the interests of parents and children within the congregation.
Coffee Hour
Non-members welcome!
This is a fun and easy way to meet people and lend a hand on Sundays! Help us set out cookies and brew up the java, or hang around a little later and help with clean up.
Committee on Shared Ministry

Guided by a vision that furthering the mission and vision of UUCSR is the shared privilege and responsibility of every Member, the Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM) serves as a key congregational feedback loop and sounding board for the minister. We help the minister and congregation establish priorities and goals (and to be accountable for their achievement), attend to boundaries, and resolve conflicts. Members of CoSM are approved by the board of trustees with the recommendation of CoSM and the minister, to:

  • Oversee the general health of the congregation
  • Further the congregation’s mission, vision & covenant
  • Provide conflict resolution
  • Support the minister in his various roles

When you have an issue or concern that requires confidentiality; when you have a conflict with another member, a committee, or the minister, you can call on any of us to be heard. Contacts: Cathy Read (Chair), Rev. Chris Bell, Alan Bell, Bill Foshee, Judy Hutchinson, Mary Lill Lee and Lucia Milburn

Communications Committee
Various modes of communication are needed to keep everyone in the Congregation up-to-date and involved: website, newsletter, electronic chat lists, the Sunday order of service and announcements, bulletin boards, and so on. We need your creativity, your editing skills, your eyes, your ears!
Denominational Affairs
We keep the congregation informed about events and trends in the wider Unitarian Universalist community across the country and the globe. We encourage UUCSR members to get involved at the district and national levels, to help support and sustain liberal religion. Contact: Mary Wolfe at (707) 544-3134 or
Endowment Committee
We are responsible for assisting members in their planned giving to the congregation’s endowment fund, and for overseeing and maintaining the endowment. The Legacy Circle aims to be inclusive. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Whether the amount of money turns out to be small or large, it is a tangible expression of your social values and your trust in the future of this congregation. Contact: Reid Stinnett
Events Committee
Non-members welcome!
We plan, promote and present a wide range of artistic, cultural and intellectual events for the wider Santa Rosa community under the aegis of the Glaser Center. We also often assist with other fund-raising and fellowship events, and are always looking for more people to take tickets, sell refreshments, etc. For more information contact Marly Fein or contact the office.
 Finance and Budget Committee
We work closely with the treasurer and the administrator to oversee and report on the financial operations of the community.
Flower Committee
Non-members welcome!
We meet on Saturday mornings to create beautiful flower arrangements for Sunday worship. Donations and volunteers are always welcome. We especially need people who either have some experience, or who are willing to be trained. For more information contact Joan Thatcher or contact the office
Always ready with an smile and an answer to your questions, Greeter/Ushers welcome all worshippers & especially newcomers and returning visitors & on Sunday. We also help during the worship service by collecting the Offering.
Human Resources Committee
We work closely with the minister, the administrator and other committees to insure good practice and right relations in hiring and supervising staff. Our activities include research, and making recommendations about salaries, benefits, evaluative processes and other human resource concerns.
Interior Space Committee
We work with various other committees to keep our building both beautiful, useful, and efficient — including making many decorating decisions in consultation with staff.
 Kitchen Committee
Non-members welcome!
We keep the kitchen clean and organized, to balance the many uses of the kitchen by different UUCSR groups (including Saturday Breakfast for the needy) and building renters. Always welcoming new volunteers!
Lay Pastoral Associates
We are a trained listeners and pastoral caregivers who work closely with the minister. If you, or someone you, know could benefit from some connection with the Congregation and a friendly ear, please contact either: the minister; the office; or Julie Malm, Caring Committee Chair.
Membership Committee
We welcome visitors and newcomers into the life of the community by offering information, organizing Inquirer’s Meetings and other newcomer gatherings, and introducing new members through the newsletter, a special worship ceremony, and orientation classes. Helps guide people along the journey toward deeper involvement and membership.
 Music Committee
We work closely with the Music Director in coordinating and performing music in Sunday services (and occasionally at other events), and closely with the Worship Associates. We also recruit congregational volunteer musicians.
Newsletter Crew
The administrator currently edits and publishes the newsletter. Then our crew of volunteers copies, folds, addresses and mails it. We would love a congregant to act as assistant editor; and more hands are always welcome on the last Wednesday of the month.
Nominating Committee
We are a consulting committee of the Board of Trustees, tasked with identifying emerging leaders in the congregation and offering candidates for the elected positions.
Operations Team
Responsible for the day-to-day logistical operations of the congregation, this group comprises representatives from Finance, Building & Maintenance, Communications, Interior Space and the office volunteers. Coordinates the “Officer of the Day” on Sundays. Works closely with the administrator, the Glaser Center director and the minister.
Rental Committee
We promote and coordinate rental usage of the building as both a fundraising operation and a service to the community.
TIE Group Steering Committee
We are responsible for the planning and execution of our very successful small group ministry program, the Together-in-Exploration (TIE) Groups.
Web Team
We are responsible for keeping the website useful, welcoming and up-to-date. Creativity or technical skills are a plus, but not essential for making a valuable contribution. Volunteers only need enthusiasm for the congregation, and a desire to help track down and share information about our ongoing activities. Current needs include sermon transcription (typing or proofreading), photographing events or soliciting photos from attendees, general writing/updating, coordinating web team activity, and partnering with the Audio Crew to make more available sermons online. Contact the web team for more information.
Worship Associates
We assist the minister and other service leaders in planning and providing worship on Sundays and other times. Worship Associates periodically serve as service leaders themselves, particularly during the summer. Each Worship Associate serves a three year term at the invitation of the minister. Contacts: Erin Howseman and Lucia Milburn, co-chairs.