Without the sun's constant energizing light and warmth, there would be no life on Earth. Today, with the sun as our guide, we will explore the power and presence of…
The interdependent web is one way to describe our inherent interconnectedness. In this service, we are going to look at interconnectedness as if it were a river; all of us…
Our actions flow from our commitment to build a better world, a UU core spiritual value. US events over the next years will have a more profound impact on the…
As we end Chalica, we focus on our seventh principle, which recalls to us the indigenous wisdom that tells us we are a part of, not apart from, the Great…
Our service honors Yom Kippur, the highest holy day in the Jewish faith, when Jews atone for their sins in the previous year, pray for forgiveness, renounce false promises, and…
Intern minister Millie Phillips draws upon her experience as a hospital chaplain intern this summer to explore the weirdness and rewards of accompanying some of life's most difficult and intimate…
Jazz is often misconstrued as "every person for him/herself," riffing like mad with the hope it all coheres in the end. Rather like "UU's can believe anything, making it up…
Anger is a two-edged sword. It is a great motivator: it can slash through denial and cowardice to inspire us to action. But, like a sword, it's dangerous and can…
"A picture is worth a thousand words." Visual images reach us powerfully in a way that words often cannot. Intern Minister Millie Phillips shares images from the history of Christianity,…
Valentine's Day— yes, you guessed it, the topic is Love: romantic love, familial love, "justice is what love looks like in public." Intern Minister Millie Phillips explores what all forms…