World Water Day / Justice Sunday

Water — essential to life — yet a tenth of humanity lacks clean drinking water. Millions die yearly from contaminated water. Most in Sonoma County are blessed with high-quality water and good infrastructure — can we help ease the suffering of others, both locally and around the world? Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry partnership with communities in need of safe, clean, affordable, and accessible drinking water. Let’s celebrate World Water Day and the Gift of Water by seeking a more just and equitable use of this precious resource.

Service Leaders: Susan Panttaja (preaching), Rev. Chris Bell, Sadie Sonntag, with music by the Choir.

After 11:00 service— Film “Thirsty for Justice,” powerful stories of people in California who fought for their right to water, and successful efforts of communities who supported CA’s human-right-to-water bill.

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