Women Together Retreat

Spring Weekend Retreat – “Sisters”

It’s time to sign up for this year’s Women together Spring Weekend Retreat! We will gather and stay at the beautiful Saint Dorothy’s Rest in Camp Meeker, about 30 miles west of Santa Rosa.
Our theme is “Sisters” (biological or not). We will have our popular small group discussions on the theme and a variety of great workshops to choose among, plus our Silent Auction and the great food!
Please fill out the registration form and bring it on Sunday, April 5th. Those with mobility issues should contact Kathy Norman before March 31.
Sign-ups will be accepted after each service on April 5th, not before. We cannot hold your place without your payment. If you’re not able to be there in person, fill out the form, give it and your check to a friend or roommate, if you’ve already decided on that, and ask her to sign up for you. The cost is $160 for a double room and $140 for a bed in the dorms. Scholarships are available at half price; just put ‘Request scholarship’ on your registration form. Please make your check payable to UUCSR and put Women’s Retreat on the memo line.
This year Saint Dorothy’s is providing bedding and towels.
We’re looking forward to a wonderful week-end!

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