Sunday Service July 3, 2022

“Ministry and Transformation”
Ministry is many things. We can minister to ourselves, to each other, to our world, and to our source. In the words of Rev. Gordon McKeeman, “whenever there is a meeting that summons us to our better selves, wherever our lostness is found, our fragments are united, or our wounds begin healing, our spines stiffen and our muscles grow strong for the task, there is ministry.” Rev. Jamie McReynolds, will explore how shared ministry can transform us as individuals, as spiritual communities and as a country.

Service Leader: Guest Minister Rev Rev Jamie McReynolds
Worship Associate: Cathie Wisese
Music: Alan Bell & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. *RE is on break for June* Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: tbd
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


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