Sunday Service February 19, 2023


“I’m Woke, Now What?”

Guest Minister: Dr. Charles Eduardos.
Rev. Dave’s friend and colleague, Charles Eduardos, is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and an ordained minister with 46 years of experience in pastoral and evangelistic ministry. He is Pastor at All Saints Lutheran Church in Olmsted Township, OH and Chaplain for the Olmsted Police Department. He has deep experience working with organizations to support them in identifying and tackling their challenges. He is an attentive listener, who gives a different perspective to perceived barriers and provides an integral focus and flexibility.
So you’ve done it – you’re officially “woke.” You’ve read the books, attended the lectures, watched the documentaries, signed the petitions… now what? I am “woke” to social injustices in today’s world and true history that isn’t taught in schools. ‘I’m woke!’ to taking action against racial and social injustices. Are you ready for the nitty-gritty?
Service Leaders/Guest: Dr. Charles Eduardos
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & Crystal McDougall-Purdy
Pianist: Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


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