Sunday Service June 5, 2022

Celebrating Blessings:
“Bridging Ceremony”
With the school year coming to a close, we are honoring our congregation’s own Rowan Craven-Pittman as he graduates high school and takes a large step into young adulthood. In this service celebrating transitions, rites of passage, and community, we will reflect on the importance of building a home that all of us can come back to.
Service Leader: Era Capone
Worship Associate: Richard Senghas
Music: Gage Purdy with The Choir & Roger Corman


Sunday Service May 29, 2022

Nurturing Beauty:
“A Memorial Day for All”

The war in Ukraine once again reminds us of the cost of military conflicts on civilians – individuals, families, communities, and the larger society. On this Memorial Day, designated to mourn those who died serving in the U.S. armed forces, we will commemorate all those impacted by war.

Service Leader: Reverend Susan Panttaja

Worship Associate: Cathy Wiese

Music: Sally Jones & Roger Corman


Sunday Service May 22, 2022

Nurturing Beauty:
“Flower Communion”

The UUCSR Flower Communion returns! The Flower Communion service was created by Unitarian Norbert Capek in Czechloslovakia in 1923, as a symbolic ritual that would bind people more closely together. He turned to the native beauty of his countryside — and their bountiful spring flowers — to create a communion that would be genuine to all comers. It was such a success that it has been held yearly ever since. Let us all gather in genuine communion for a multigenerational service. Please bring a flower (or two) to share!

Service Leader: Veronica Jordan & Era Capone

Worship Associate: Veronica Jordan

Music: Gage Purdy with The Choir & Roger Corman


Sunday Service May 15, 2022

Nurturing Beauty:
“Don’t Believe Everything You Think”

 Everything we do, feel, think, and communicate is done through the lens of our culture. But, what is our culture? The interaction of culture, environment and our own personalities, temperaments, backgrounds, and experiences determine how we interact with one another, for better or worse. Let us examine aspects of our dominant culture that may be harmful to ourselves and to others.

Service Leader: Leslie Norinsky

Worship Associate: Eric Fischer & Mark Sowers

Music: Alan Bell & Paul Gilger



Postponed, to be rescheduled in the Fall : NEW HORIZONS SWING DANCE
MAY 21st 6:00-9:30

The New Horizons Swing Band ( presents an evening of the greatest hits from the swing band era of the 1930s and 40s. Come just to listen and tap your toes or dance the night away. The swing band plays from 7:00 to 9:30, but come at 6:00 for a free dance lesson taught by Kevin and Ann Hutchinson of Sonoma County Dance Beat (
This is a benefit for the Saturday Breakfast for the Homeless, which the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa has been providing every Saturday morning for nearly two decades.

Buy tickets in advance for $15 at, or $20 at the door.

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Sunday Service May 8, 2022

Nurturing Beauty:
“Transforming the Three Poisons”

Transforming the Three Poisons: Today we will explore the ancient Buddhist teachings that say greed, anger, and ignorance are the the path to unhappiness. They also say that what you feel matters and what you do with your feelings matters even more. Join us to learn how to nurture the inner beauty of our spirits and find the path to happiness.

Service Leader: Rev. Dr. Bill Stayton

Worship Associate: Judy Withee

Music: Gage Purdy with the Choir


Sunday Service May 1, 2022

Nurturing Beauty:
“Oh Beautiful”
Today’ service explores our connection to the earth and to nature through poetry and music. We will hold up the beauty of the seasons, celebrate the majesty of the earth, and explore nature as a source of healing and meditation. Come and sing with us.
Service Leader: Linda Lampson
Worship Associate: Mark Meierding
Music: Gage Purdy & Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Breakfast With Our Neighbors

Sunday Service April 24, 2022

What does it mean to experience an awakening as a Unitarian Universalist?
What does it mean to experience an awakening as a Unitarian Universalist? What does it feel like? Does it happen suddenly, or gradually? Are there practices that contribute to “awakenings”? Or ways we can deliberately hinder them? Join Rev. Bonnie Dlott today in an exploration of our potential to experience transformative awakenings, as well as the ways we actively avoid them in an effort to escape from painful truths..
Service Leader: Rev. Bonnie Dlott
Worship Associate: Veronica Jordan
Music: Sally Jones & Roger Corman
Share The Basket: ALMAS

Sunday Service April 17, 2022

The Meaning of Easter: Don’t get Hung Up on the “R” Word
The Meaning of Easter: Don’t get Hung Up on the “R” Word. The very idea of Easter is problematic for most Unitarian Universalists and progressive Christians. If we get all hung up on rejecting the bodily resurrection of Jesus, we rob ourselves of the far more expansive meaning of this Holy Day.
Service Leader: Rev. Bev Spears
Worship Associate: Judy Whithee
Music: Gage Purdy with the Choir & Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Saturday Breakfast with our Neighbors

Sunday Service April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem and was welcomed by his followers and scorned by others. Are there messages and meaning in that story for Unitarian Universalists today?
Service Leader: Rev. Dr. William Stayton
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Living Room