Sunday Service August 7, 2022

“The Urgency of Our UU Fourth Principle”
The Urgency of Our UU Fourth Principle. In some ways the most personal of our seven principles, the fourth—our affirmation of our right to a free and responsible search for meaning and truth—presents us with both opportunities and obligations. Scott will explore with us the urgency of this principle and call us to a renewed understanding of its seriousness and ethical complexity.

Service Leader: Scott Miller- UUCSR Board member, former worship associate, and SSU professor
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer and Susan Thollaug
Music: Alan Bell & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


Sunday Service July 31, 2022

“An Insider’s View of Ministry. Rev. Dan O’Neal’s sermon”

An Insider’s View of Ministry. Rev. Dan O’Neal’s sermon “Will Preach for Money: An Insider’s Thoughts on the Ministry” Dan O’Neal was our first called minister. He served from 1986 to 1996. Today’s service features a message he presented as he looked forward to his 9th year as our minister. In it he examines the multitudinous roles a minister is asked to take on. 

CUUPS Lammas Bread Offering in the social hall after the service.

Service Leader: Lucia Milburn
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Sally Jones & Paul Gilger
Religious Education: Era Capone. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: CARA – California Alliance for Retired Americans
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


Sunday Service July 24, 2022

“Karym Sanchez, ED of North Bay Organizing Project”
Our guest speaker will be Karym Sanchez, ED of the North Bay Organizing Project or NBOP. Karym is an immigrant from Mexico who came to this country as a child with his family. Growing up undocumented shaped Karym’s understanding of the injustices in the world and fueled his drive to be involved in community organizing. He will share his story and how it illustrates our second UU principle: Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

Service Leader: Guest Karym Sanchez, ED of NBOP
Worship Associate: Judy Withee and Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: NBOP 
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


Sunday Service July 17, 2022

“Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans”
This service is presented and prepared by CUUPs, our Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. We will celebrate the summer season, participate in some special meditations and consider the intersection of CUUPS and UU Principles.

Service Leader: CUUPs   
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy with The Choir & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors 
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


Sunday Service July 10, 2022

“The 1st Principle”
This Sunday we begin an exploration of our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles in preparation for a broader congregational discussion about the possibility of adopting an eigth principle. The Principles offer some challenges. There are negatives and positives to each one. The First Principle is a belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. On the negative side, some of us have become disenchanted with what it means to be human given our many shortcomings. However, the First Principle also tells us we need to look for the good in all people. What does it mean to treat others as beings of inherent worth and dignity, shortcomings and all?

Service Leader: Rev. Bill Stayton  
Worship Associate: Clare Whitfield 
Music: Gage Purdy with The Choir & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Harvest For the Hungry 
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


Sunday Service July 3, 2022

“Ministry and Transformation”
Ministry is many things. We can minister to ourselves, to each other, to our world, and to our source. In the words of Rev. Gordon McKeeman, “whenever there is a meeting that summons us to our better selves, wherever our lostness is found, our fragments are united, or our wounds begin healing, our spines stiffen and our muscles grow strong for the task, there is ministry.” Rev. Jamie McReynolds, will explore how shared ministry can transform us as individuals, as spiritual communities and as a country.

Service Leader: Guest Minister Rev Rev Jamie McReynolds
Worship Associate: Cathie Wisese
Music: Alan Bell & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. *RE is on break for June* Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: tbd
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website


Sunday Service June 26, 2022

Celebrating Blessings:
” Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful”
Universalism has a long and rich history. In contrast, the teaching of eternal damnation is not merely a harmless untruth it also has serious consequences. It leads to the possibility, perhaps even the inevitability, of wars, bigotry, oppression and abuse. On the other hand, the teaching of universalism leads to equality, respect, love and dignity for all.
Rev. Kalen Fristad has been a United Methodist minister for more than 40 years, and is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship. He traveled the country full time with his wife, Darlene, from 2003 to 2006, accepting invitations to speak at churches, proclaiming the hopeful message of Universalism. Following then, he served churches in Iowa half time, while spending half time on the road. He retired from the parish ministry in 2013, but continues to travel the country speaking on universalism. Over the years he has spoken at more than 240 UU churches.
Service Leader: Guest Minister Rev Kalen Fristad
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer & Mark Sowers
Music: John Ray & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. *RE is on break for June* Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Bayer Farm/ Landpaths
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website, or use the QR code at the bottom of this email.


Sunday Service June 19, 2022

Celebrating Blessings:
” Emancipation Does Not Mean Freedom.”
Juneteenth is celebrated annually on the 19th of June as the day some of the last enslaved Black people in the conferderate states were notified of their freedom by virtue of the Emancipation Act. Despite slavery being outlawed for 157 years, Black people still are not free.
Service Leader: Rev Bev Spears
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy with the Choir & Roger Corman
Religious Education: Era Capone. *RE is on break for June* Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website, or use the QR code at the bottom of this email.


Sunday Service June 12, 2022

Celebrating Blessings:
“The Gifts of Age: Perspectives from the Far Side of 80”
Today’s worship service will be led by Older and Bolder, a UUCSR friendship group for women who have passed their 80th birthday. Four Reflections will offer gifts of looking back at lives well lived, filled with a richness of experience unusual in an era when many women’s horizons were more circumscribed. Themes emerge of resilience, a passion for justice, resourcefulness, a love of adventure, gratitude, and nurturance of the children who will inherit the earth.
Service Leader: Older and Bolder Group
Worship Associate: Clare Whitfield
Music: Gage Purdy & Louise Bettner on Piano
Religious Education: Era Capone. *RE is on break for June* Please email Era if you have a young one wanting to join in the future.
Milestones: If you have any milestones you’d like to share with the congregation, please send them by Friday evening.
Share the Basket: Amor para Todos: Amor Para Todos collaborates with local school districts to cultivate more gender and LGBTQIA+ affirming environments for our youth. Click for more info: HERE and Video: HERE
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button here, on UUCSR’s website, or use the QR code at the bottom of this email.


Congregational Meeting June 5, 2022- After Service

Congregational Meeting
After Service Today
Our Congregational Meeting is almost upon us! It will be Sunday, June 5th at 12:30 pm LIVE and via Zoom.
Zoomers: To give us time to say hello to each other, and to give you instructions on how to vote, etc., we will open up the meeting at 12:15, 15 minutes before our official start.
 A light lunch will be provided prior to the meeting in the social hall.
*We could use some help with set-up and clean-up for the lunch. Please let Aphrodite or Leslie know if you are available to help in this way. Thanks!
Click HERE for more information about the meeting, including links to documents we will be discussing and the ZOOM link.