Free Film: “Thirsty for Justice”

Thirsty picture

 2015 Wild & Scenic Film Festival selection

Free Screening on World Water Day

 In the richest nation on earth, and wealthiest state in the nation, how can so many people lack access to safe affordable water for their basic human needs? Thirsty for Justice shares powerful stories of those who suffer from this assault on their personal health and human dignity, as well as the inspiring story of the grassroots movement that made the human right to water the law of the land in California. Let’s make that right a reality!   

Panel Discussion and Q & A with panelists:
Susan Panttaja, Environmental Geologist and Worship Associate
Stephen Fuller-Rowell and Jane Nielson, Sonoma County Water Coalition
Salote Soqo, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water

Film produced by:
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California
In association with:
Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Sponsored By:  Advocates for Social Justice, Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa

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