Choir Sings Bach

Sunday, June 25, the choir will perform a Bach hymn.  What we’ll sing is actually in two places in our hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition, pages 22 and 41.  We will sing them as one piece.  Our featured soloist will be Sally Jones.

The music was written by Nikolaus Herman (1480-1561) and J S Bach (1685-1750) took the tune and enhanced it with harmony in a manner only he could.  The words to the first 3 stanzas were written by Unitarian Universalist Nancy C Dorian (1936-present), but the words to the last 2 verses originated with English poet George Gascoigne (1540-1577) and were adapted to be sung.

June 25 will be the last choir performance of the summer as our director (and we) take a small break during the summer months.  We’ll be back, singing to you again in the Fall.

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