Sunday Service January 29, 2023


“The Baggage That We Carry”

Each of us when we become a part of the Unitarian Universalist community brings baggage from our lived experiences. Sometimes this baggage is our words that trigger our emotions, sometimes it could be praises. Whatever you bring, we will unpack that baggage together and become aware of how to deal with it.
Service Leader: Rev. Dave Clements 
Worship Associate: Cathie Wiese
Music: Sally Jones
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Centro Laboral de Graton (CLG)/Graton Day Labor Center.
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service January 22, 2023


“What Holds Us Together?”

What is the glue that holds us together? How do we tap into that and how do we, in a community of faith, reach out and support each other? We will explore and define what holds us together here at UUCSR.
Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Vital Immigrant Defense Advocacy and Services (VIDAS)
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service January 15, 2023


“Courage vs. Comfort at UUCSR”

Courage is actively looking at our assumptions and being willing to move past our comfort zone.
Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements & DRE Era Capone
Worship Associate: Susan Thollaug
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service January 8, 2023


“Reflection, Release, Renewal: Our Annual Milestones Service”

Here it is again, the turn of the year – an ending and a beginning. It’s time to pause, catch your breath, reflect on the last year and get ready to begin again. In this contemplative service we will take some time to remember our own experiences of the last year, the milestones along the way. As we set our course for the new year ahead, we will use ritual, song and poetry to come back to ourselves, to our spiritual practice, to our center, to the ground of our being so we can discover how we can be of benefit in the world.
Service Leader: Lay Chaplains
Worship Associate: Judy Withee
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service January 1, 2023- Pre-Recorded

“New Hopes & Dreams”


What will this year bring for you? New Hopes, New Dreams , New lenses. How do we celebrate the year past and embrace the year beginning?
All Pre-Recorded:
Service Leaders: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & Roger Corman
Full Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service December 18, 2022


“Holiday Pageant: The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming”

This Sunday the children and youth of UUCSR are putting on their annual holiday pageant! Based on The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming by Lemony Snicket, this story explores the many holidays of winter through the eyes of the titular screaming latke. Join us as we learn all about the history and traditions of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Solstice with loads of laughs and music along the way.

Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements & DRE Era Capone
Worship Associate: Mark Sowers
Music: Sally Jones & Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast with Our Neighbors

To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service December 25, 2022- Pre-Recorded

Opening Christmas “Presence”


Celebrate Christmas Day by opening Christmas “Presence.” While Christmas is a Christian Holiday, the message of The Incarnation, “Emmanuel, God with us” is universal. Our contemplative service celebrates the Divine Spark born within all of us.

Service Leader: Rev. Bev Spears

Worship Associate: Susan Thollaug

Music: Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast with our Neighbors 

To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Christmas Eve Service December 24, 2022 6:30pm


“The Lenses of the Season- Evening Service”


The world looks through different lenses at Christmas. The Christmas Eve service will explore the lenses of Christianity, Jewish and Contemporary through spoken words and song and we will end our service with the lighting of candles and singing “Silent Night.”
Multi-gen service to begin at 6:30 p.m. with cookies and warm drinks afterwards
Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Bev, Meike, Cathie, Noah
Music: Gage Purdy with the Choir & Roger Corman
Share the Basket: 100% of basket to Minister’s Discretionary Fund


Sunday Service December 12, 2022


“Imagination: The Gateway to Wonder”

Our imagination is an unmistakable call and adventure into our “can do better” spirit, leading us on a tireless search to further ideas that may make a difference to our individual and shared worlds, not just for ourselves but also for generations that follow. As thinking beings, we carry special hopes, dreams, and expectations. We wonder, examine, and interpret the meaning, interrelationships, and the boundless promise of life. It is our imagination that can be our gateway to wonder.
Service Leader: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Robin Rogers & Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Becoming Independent
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Winter Solstice Service December 21, 2022 5:30pm


“Winter Solstice Celebration


Celebrate the arrival of longer days with drumming, chanting, stories, and potluck. This is a family-friendly event and all are welcome. 
For information contact CUUPs at email: cuups at uusantarosa dot org. 
Potluck starts at 5:30pm
Drumming at 6:00pm
Celebration at 6:30pm