Sunday Service April 23, 2023


“Resistance to Consumption”

Consumption is the process of consuming goods. You buy a loaf of bread to consume/eat it. But what about when you are buying things that you don’t really need for the sake of buying. How can we honor our planet and at the same time resist the drive to consume.
Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Committee on the Shelterless/COTS


Sunday Service April 30, 2023


“Our Whole Lives”

UU’s core values of empowering people and caring for one another are exemplified by our comprehensive sex education program, OWL (Our Whole Lives). We are increasingly confronted with conservative forces in this country who promote traditional gender norms, limited reproductive choices, and unscientific, fear-based, abstinence-only sex education. We believe that our children and our community deserve better and we are committed to providing the education to make informed decisions about their bodies and their relationships.
Join us for the May Pole Dance After Service hosted by CUUPs
Service Leaders: Era Capone-DRE
Worship Associate: Meike Mandel
Music: John Ray
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Living Room


Sunday Service March 5, 2023


“Leaping Into the Unknown”

The path of vulnerability more than anything, is about choice: How can we muster inner strength to understand, face, and transform our fears so we can have the aliveness and authenticity that come from the willingness to share our truth? My invitation to all of you is to come and take a leap with us as we explore vulnerability.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Richard J Senghas
Music: Robin Rogers
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service March 12, 2023


“Harry Potter at 25: Our Principles Tested”

The Harry Potter books continue to reveal the importance and legacy of stories and their tellers in the lives of the spirit. It is simultaneously true that Harry’s story has supported the work of justice, antiracism, and spiritual sustenance for millions, and that their author, JK Rowling, has expressed views, especially about transgender people, that many find abhorrent. How do we as people of the UU Principles read and respond to these texts and their impact and legacy? Today we’ll ponder these questions as a test case to examine how our Principles live out their impact in the world.
Service Leader: Scott Miller
Worship Associate: Eric Fischer
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Russian River Alliance
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service March 19, 2023


“The Power of Vulnerability”

In her book, Daring Greatly, Brene Brown describes vulnerability as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.” It’s that unstable feeling we get when we step out of our comfort zone or do something that forces us to loosen control. Stepping out can be both scary and exciting.
Service Leaders/Guest: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Clare Whitfield
Music: John Ray
Pianist: Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service March 26, 2023


“Barriers to Vulnerability”

Fear is one of the most significant barriers to vulnerability. You may choose not to be vulnerable with others for reasons including fear of hurting others, fear of rejection, and fear of having what you say used against you. Bad past experiences may also be a barrier to vulnerability. Our service will explore these barriers and offer ways to overcome them.
Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Susan Thollaug/Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Undocufund/NBOP
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service February 19, 2023


“I’m Woke, Now What?”

Guest Minister: Dr. Charles Eduardos.
Rev. Dave’s friend and colleague, Charles Eduardos, is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and an ordained minister with 46 years of experience in pastoral and evangelistic ministry. He is Pastor at All Saints Lutheran Church in Olmsted Township, OH and Chaplain for the Olmsted Police Department. He has deep experience working with organizations to support them in identifying and tackling their challenges. He is an attentive listener, who gives a different perspective to perceived barriers and provides an integral focus and flexibility.
So you’ve done it – you’re officially “woke.” You’ve read the books, attended the lectures, watched the documentaries, signed the petitions… now what? I am “woke” to social injustices in today’s world and true history that isn’t taught in schools. ‘I’m woke!’ to taking action against racial and social injustices. Are you ready for the nitty-gritty?
Service Leaders/Guest: Dr. Charles Eduardos
Worship Associate: Linda Lampson
Music: Gage Purdy & Crystal McDougall-Purdy
Pianist: Paul Gilger
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service February 26, 2023


“Love and the 8th Principle”

To love is a verb. It means answering needs with acts of support and caring, even when we don’t feel like it. It means growing up and showing up. As a community, now is the time to actively speak up against racism. If we don’t, it leaves a question in some people’s hearts: Do you care about me?
By adopting the 8th principle, we explicitly stand up against systems of oppression. We show that we whole-heartedly welcome people of all colors and backgrounds, and actively dismantle racism.
Service Leaders: Rev. Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Meike Mandel
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Sonoma County Acts of Kindness provides basic necessities, resources and advocacy to enrich the well-being of the homeless and financially underprivileged in our community.
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service February 12, 2023


“What’s Love Got To Do With It?”

In the Greek language, the phrases “love neighbor” and “love yourself” are connected by the word os, which is like an equal sign. We will explore together just how we are called to love self and neighbor. I invite you to join us as we talk about “What’s Love Got to do With It”?
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Catholic Charities provides shelter, counseling and security to nearly 20,000 persons per year experiencing homelessness.
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 


Sunday Service February 5, 2023



There is great steadfast power in love. “Yet power without love,” in the words of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “is reckless and abusive; and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is Love implementing the demands of Justice, and Justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against Love.” This type of Love, is not a Love that we can simply name, but a Love that we must embody; a Love that we must live out.
Service Leader: Rev. Dave Clements & Rev Bev Speers
Worship Associate: Judy Withee 
Music: Robin Rogers 
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for our Neighbors 
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website