Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Lucia Milburn, David Hope

Music By: Paul Gilger and the UUsual Suspects

Share the Basket: Breakfast for Our Neighbors

On August 1st, 2006 a clean-cut Harvard man arrived in sunny Sonoma County to accept his call to ministry from the UU Congregation, Santa Rosa. Ten years have passed. Together we will reflect on the change and evolution of our shared ministry over the last decade, and look to the future of our community.


Service Leaders: Rev. Earl W. Koteen, Jennifer Collins
Music By: Roger Corman and the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Today we will give our entire offering to the Redwood Credit Union’s 2016 Lake County Fire Relief Fund. 

How does one maintain a spiritual center in the midst of growing chaos? Our planet is becoming increasingly uninhabitable, and our political leadership has not yet proven itself capable of reversing our course. We can face this daunting future by developing our own spiritual strength. Rev. Earl W Koteen, our guest minister, a lifelong UU, is the Environmental Justice Minister for the UU Ministry for Earth.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Scott Miller, Susan Panttaja

Music By: Susan Panttaja and the UUsual Suspects

Share the Basket: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

The science fiction universe of the Star Wars films enjoys almost unparalleled devotion and attention from its legions of fans, and indicates just how deep our hunger for magic and myth remain. There are even real orders of Jedi Knights. We’ll look at the spirituality and philosophy behind the movies and the way good, evil, and violence are portrayed therein, in light of our own conflicted and divisive times.

The Life Abundant


Service Leaders: Rev. Dr. Leisa Huyck Sharon McCarty, Joe Gabaeff

There are two ways we can live in this world: from a place of fear, in which we compete for scarce resources, or from a place of love, in which we share in the life abundant. Universalism calls us to the latter. How can we make it so?
Rev. Dr. Leisa Huyck, an ecologist for 20 years before becoming a minister, is called to help our culture make the spiritual transformation we need in order to live on Earth sustainably, with love and justice for all.

Love Songs II: When It All Goes Bad


Service Leader: Scott Miller
Music by: Paul Gilger and many of the UUsual Suspects

What breaks when a heart breaks? What do we learn when we part from former partners? Join the musical ministers of UUCSR in a meditatiion-through-song exploration of the endings of love stories. As we’ll see, loss of love yields no loss of rich material for artistic expression. The lessons that expression teaches us will give us clues about the further opening of the heart and invite us once again to attend to some of the things that really matter

Self, Selves, No-Self: What’s Inside This Bag of Bones?


Service Leaders: Andrew Hidas, Eric Fischer, Mary Chapot
Music by: Various UUCSR vocalists

Both depth psychology and every pop psychology book ever published focus on the notion of a “Self.” But is that Self one or many? What is it made of? On the religious side, Christianity extols an immortal Self that will someday be reunited with its Creator, while the Asian traditions regard Self as the ultimate delusion. Sociology alludes to many selves, filling various roles. Where do we come down on this matter as UUs? What, in the end, is inside this bag of bones?

The Sacred Pattern of the Labyrinth


Service Leaders: Erin Howseman, Cathy Read
Music by: Jenny Harriman, Robert Howseman, & Tom Rough

In 1991, Lauren Atress, then Canon Pastor of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, went on a life-changing pilgrimage to Chartres Cathedral in France to experience the medieval labyrinth inlaid in its stone floor sometime early in the 13th century. That was the beginning of a renaissance of labyrinth creation and use throughout the world. This Sunday, with reflections, music and poetry, we will explore how the modern spiritual practice of the labyrinth can aid us in our personal searches for healing and transformation. We will place our canvass labyrinth on the floor of the chancel, and all will have the opportunity to walk. Wheel chairs and walkers are welcome.

The State Of Unitarian Universalism


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Roger Corman
Music by: The UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: NAACP Sonoma County

Fresh on the heels of the UUA General Assembly, Rev. Chris offers the highlights, review the theological conversations, leadership elections and social justice decisions that transpired there, and discuss the top issues that our denominational leaders are directing us towards now.

Protest Music!


Service Leaders: Veronica Jordan, others
Music by: Robert Howseman, Claire Beery & the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors

The long struggle for human fulfillment and human dignity is the source of some of the greatest music ever written. The role of songs in providing hope and energy for those fighting the good fight cannot be overstated. Today we’ll celebrate this sacred legacy with a VERY musical service. Rev. Chris is at G.A.

It’s Raining, Men…


Service Leaders: Scott Miller, Eric Fischer
Music by: Robin Rogers and some of the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: North Bay Black Chamber of Commerce

At the last Men’s Retreat, the men of UUCSR sought to develop a vision of sustainable masculinity. What versions of ourselves could forcefully support the health of the people and of the world, and resist the siren call traps of masculinity, especially violence? Today men of UUCSR share insights from negotiating the challenges of inhabiting manhood in America and the world.