Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Cathy Read, Deb Mason

Music by: Sadie Sonntag and the Choir, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Southeast Greenway Campaign

Back to two services! 9:15 and 11:00!
New school year, new church year, new everything year! Today we will return to two services and kick off the new year of the Children’s Program at 9:15, and celebrate the beauty of living in intentional, spiritual, loving community. A great congregation is like a great piece of art, with a lively tension between order and chaos, between symmetry and novelty, between a recognizable style and a fully unique expression. Let’s all try to be there, and bring some friends!!

BEAUTY – The Doorway to the Divine

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Izzy Fischer, Deb Mason
Music by: Alan Bell & The UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Living Room

“We are made immortal,” Emerson wrote, “by the contemplation of beauty.” In the midst of political strife and environmental degradation, awareness of beauty and its relationship to truth and goodness can be a powerful spiritual lodestone. What makes something beautiful? Is it strictly a matter of personal preference? And what’s God got to do with it?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Joe Gabaeff, Deb Mason
Music by: Susan Panttaja & The UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for our Neighbors

Over the last three years, the hunger for racial justice in America has been at a fever pitch, including within Unitarian Universalism. Yet even those who have awakened to the reality of white privilege and the systemic racism in our culture struggle to act for change. This Service Auction service will consider what white people, and a largely white congregation, can do to make a difference.


Service Leaders: Frances Corman, Veronica Jordan
Music by: Roger Corman and the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Women’s Recovery Services
The Lullaby is as old as time and as relevant as ever. “Rockabye,” a current world-wide Top Forty song, is a lullaby sung by a single mother to her son where she vows that she will do anything to protect him from harm. Yes, the world can be a scary place and the night is dark and long, but a lullaby can make you feel held and safe like nothing else. This service of special music will comfort you with lullabies sung to you, lullabies we sing to each other, and a lullaby you can sing to yourself.


Service Leaders: Andrew Hidas, Sharon McCarty
Music by: Roger Corman, Al Liner
Share the Basket: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
“There is a place where the sidewalk ends and before the street begins,” wrote Shel Silverstein. We’ll examine that in-between place of transition, with its upheaval, challenge, confusion and opportunity, in this service that draws on poetry, psychology and spirituality to explore the universal theme of transition zones that draw us ever forward.

SALVATION – What’s That?

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Aphrodite Bellochio, Deb Mason
Music by: John Ray & The UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Clean River Alliance

Salvation is not a word you hear spoken in our halls very often, since its spiritual meaning has become so limited by a particular interpretation that turns it into a kind of rescue operation from the world. Today we’ll reclaim salvation as the balm that makes the wounded whole.


Service Leaders: Joe Gabaeff, Isabel Fischer, Deborah Mason
Music by: Robin Rogers and the Uusual Supects
Share the Basket: NDGW Children’s Foundation
Paul Simon shines as an American musical treasure. Over the last 50+ years, his diverse musical inspirations and poetic lyrics have enchanted young and old (and some young into old). Join us in celebrating Paul’s music and messages through the lens of musicians that love his art and the children of his generation that grew up nurtured by his wise, artistic spirit.


Service Leaders: Scott Miller, Susan Panttaja, Paul Gilger, and the UUCSR Music Coordinators
Music by: The UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket: Breakfast For Our Neighbors
It’s a nearly universal experience: At the darkest and most confusing times in our lives, there is a song that gets us through the night. A song that comforts. A song that helps us cry it out. A song that changes our perspective. A song that gets us out of a funk and into our dancing shoes again. Through words – and music – we will celebrate the songs that saved us.


Service Leaders: Roger Corman, Joe Gabaeff, Robert Howseman
Music by: Robert Howseman and the UUsual Suspects
Share the Basket:Center Point Drug Abuse with Alternative Care (DAAC)
Ever seem like you keep repeating the same day over and over? Do the patterns of your life help and,promote your life goals? Sometimes repetition is good, and sometimes it can make us feel trapped. The film and Broadway musical Groundhog Day explores themes which are universal: redemption, self-improvement, achieving true love. We’ll discuss how the film affected our lives and continues to be a source of inspiration.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Andrew Hidas,
Deborah Mason Music by: Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Catholic Charities Immigration Services
On the occasion of Rev. Chris’s 50th birthday, which he won’t stop reminding everybody about, he and newly minted “senior citizen” Andrew Hidas will offer reflections on the challenges and blessings of aging and mortality through the image of getting up and over the hill.