GRADUATES OF EDEN Transcending Our Human Nature

Service Leaders: Rev. Dr. Chris Shriner, Eric Fischer

Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Breakfast for Our Neighbors

Was homo sapiens designed or evolved? Either way, human beings function splendidly in some environments, and very badly in others. Today Rev. Dr. Chris Schriner will explore the mismatch between human nature and the complicated world we have created – and what we can do to survive and thrive in spite of our “design defects.” Rev. Dr. Schriner is Minister Emeritus of Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fremont, California.

Transcending Our Allergy to Leadership

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Susan Panttaja

Music by: Tom Rough & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: The Living Room

In his Berry Street Essay of 2012, Rev. Fred Muir warned against a “Trinity of Errors” that keeps UUism from appealing to the masses. The third is that “we refuse to acknowledge and treat our allergy to authority and power, although all the symptoms compromise a healthy future.” UUCSR has generally avoided this allergy. We trust and empower leaders like our departing Director of Religious Education, Deb Mason, whose final Sunday is today. All are invited to a celebratory potluck brunch, which will follow the early service at 10:30.

The 11:00 service will begin in the courtyard so we can all be together for some speeches. That service may run a little late today.

Transcending Exceptionalism

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Izzy Fischer

Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Planned Parenthood

In his Berry Street Essay of 2012, Rev. Fred Muir warned against a “Trinity of Errors” that keeps UUism from appealing to the masses. The second is that “we cling to a Unitarian Universalist exceptionalism that is often insulting to others and undermines our good news.” Not all exceptionalism is bad, though. For example, my mother is the greatest mother of all time. Maybe yours is too? Bring her to services on Sunday!

YOUTH LED-SERVICE!! Overcoming Individualism

Service Leaders: THE UUCSR YOUTH GROUP, with Rev. Chris Bell & Deb Mason

Music by: Sally Jones & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Positive Images

In his Berry Street Essay of 2012, Rev. Fred Muir warned against a “Trinity of Errors” that keeps UUism from appealing to the masses. The first is: “a persistent, pervasive, disturbing and disruptive commitment to individualism that misguides our ability to engage the changing times.” Today our youth respond, sharing their experiences creating a beloved community of UU young people, both in our congregation and with the Young Religious UUs of the Pacific (YRUUP).

Risking Blossom: Emergent Hope?

Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Scott Miller, Deb Mason

Music by: Robert Howseman & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: The Sonoma County Multiple Sclerosis Group

What is risky about transformation? In a complex world, how, why, and from where does hope emerge? Can beauty be found in brokenness?  Today we conclude our discussions of transformation and resurrection by exploring where possibilities for positive individual and collective growth are unfolding within and around us.  All are welcome for this service of inquiry and celebration.

Rev. Dara Olandt is a life-long UU who presently serves as Chaplain/Director of Spiritual and Religious Life and Chaplain at Mills College in Oakland, CA. There, she works with  emerging social justice leaders on strategies for sustaining activism and supporting religious pluralism. Dara has served congregations in California and Virginia, including the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Blacksburg, VA and the UU Fellowship of Visalia, CA. She graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2010. Dara also serves on the steering committee for Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy (FAME), an interfaith justice network in Oakland.  Her child, Micah, and husband, Peter, keep her laughing most days.

Earth Day & Commission of our Lay Chaplains

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Aphrodite Bellochio, Deb Mason

Music by: Alan Bell & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Breakfast For Our Neighbors

Amidst all the turmoil of our lives and our nation, we will celebrate Earth’s powers and recommit to our stewardship of Her natural systems of life and evolution, if for only the selfish reason of wanting our great-grandchildren to be born into a hospitable planet. We will also perform a commissioning ceremony for our new team of Lay Chaplains, who have been called to extend our pastoral care to our members.

Gradual Awakenings

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Izzy Fischer, Deb Mason

Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Izzy Fischer, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: Enchanted Hills

And, sometimes transformation and resurrection goes really, really, really, slowly, whether from our own inertia or thick-headedness, or the outward circumstances of our lives. Many people have had such experiences, and we can all gain from learning about them. Whether you feel like a fool or a hero when you FINALLY wake up, there are spiritual resources to help see us through these gradual awakenings, or even to invite them into our lives.

Sudden Awakenings

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Joe Gabaeff, Deb Mason

Music by: Robin Rogers & the UUsual Suspects, Roger Corman

Share the Basket: The Lime Foundation 

Sometimes transformation and resurrection happen in a hurry, whether by crisis, unexpected opportunity, epiphanies, or disasters. Many people have had such experiences, and we can all gain from learning about them. Whether it’s a mountaintop experience, or rock bottom, there are spiritual resources to help see us through these sudden awakenings, or even to invite them into our lives.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan, Deb Mason

Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman, Special Guests

Share the Basket: Restorative Resources

Spring is here. The old stories and our actual lives agree: the Eternal Turning always, always, always, always brings new birth. Even where fire has raged, blossoms will still yet bloom. We celebrate this miracle of life here with our Annual Flower Communion. Please bring a flower to give away. The 9:15 service is all ages and will include the children in many ways.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Sharon McCarty,

Music by: Mary Chapot & the UUsual Suspects

Meditations on suffering and grief interspersed with inspirational readings and periods of extended silence, along with beautiful music, provide space to discover the presence of the Spirit of Life even in times of death and despair. A necessary reflection before Easter.