Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Judy Withee, Rev. Dara Olandt
Music by: Mary Chapot & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Project Censored/The Media Freedom Foundation

The theme for February is Surrender and Letting Go. We’ll begin our explorations by considering the many ways we must practice surrendering to, and letting go of, the next generations.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Joe Gabaeff
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Special Music by: Anna Harriett and Carolyn Foshee
Share the Basket: Breakfast For Our Neighbors

In the ancient Book of Isaiah (45:7) we read: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” And yet its author still affirmed God’s goodness. Similarly, our UU faith helps us affirm the goodness of life and of humanity, in spite of how much darkness and evil are so frequently included herein.

Congregational Meeting at 11:00 AM


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Andrew Hidas
Music by: Susan Panttaja & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow Foundation

The greatest of all existential crises comes when we are facing the end of our own lives, the end of the life of a loved one, or even the potential end of life on Earth as we know it, if recent news and findings of the scientific community are any indication. How can we seek for grace and abide with it under these challenging circumstances?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Veronica Jordan, Judy Withee, Rev. Dara Olandt
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Habitat For Humanity of Sonoma County

It is a form of grace to empower others. It also takes a lot of grace to yield power, as the poor people of the state of Wisconsin have recently discovered. The biblical story of David and Jonathan may provide some insight as we consider the relationship between power and grace.


Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Joe Gabaeff
Music by: John Ray & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: MLK Day Celebration Committee

Anne Lamott writes, “I do not understand the mystery of grace — only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.” What is grace anyway? From whence does it come? All are welcome for this service exploring skepticism, doubt and the mystery of grace.


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Susan Panttaja, Rev. Dara Olandt
Music by: Alan Bell & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Jobs with Justice
We’ll consider the big events of 2018, and take time for private reflection on our own personal milestones. We also look ahead to the year 2019. What milestones do we hope we are celebrating one year from now? How will our faith lead us there?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rev. Dara Olandt, Richard Senghas
Music by: Mary Chapot & the Choir, the Children’s Chorus, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Minister’s Discretionary Fund
A joyful celebration of the great healer and teacher Jesus, and the true spirit of the Holiday season, replete with carols and candles. In the midst of the madness, come savor a moment of true stillness, and fill your soul with hope. The Children will sing! All are warmly welcome. Why not invite a friend?


Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Rose St. John
Music by: Sadie Sonntag & the Choir, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: Breakfast for our Neighbors
Holiday season bringing you down? You aren’t alone! For very many people, the joy and togetherness of the season also brings sorrow as we mourn lost loved ones, or stress as we face financial hardship, or depression from the lack of light. We’ll offer an antidote today: the Buddhist breathing practice of Tonglen, which is a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace. And without peace in the heart, there is no peace in the world.


Potluck Dinner at 5:30 / Service at 6:30
Service Leaders: Rev. Chris Bell, Aphrodite Bellochio, C.U.U.P.S
Music by: A bunch of drummers, and everyone else attending!
Now darkness triumphs, and yet soon gives way and changes into light. Our UU Solstice celebration will draw from a variety of sacred traditions and is very family-friendly. Please bring drums! The Solstice service will be preceded by a big ol’ potluck supper.


Service Leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt. Eric Fischer
Music by: Robin Rogers & some musical UUs, Roger Corman
Share the Basket: The Living Room
What spiritual sources might sustain “resistance” and inspire our “persistence” in the face of injustice? What do each of these mean to us in these times? What role might “rest” play in both?