Sunday Service – Honoring Our Ancestors: Samhain, All Saint’s Day, All Hallow’s Eve, Dias de los Muertos

Honoring Our Ancestors: Samhain, All Saint’s Day, All Hallow’s Eve,
Dias de los Muertos

Many cultures recognize that this is the time of the year when the world feels a bit spooky. People say the veil between the worlds grows thin and we can connect with loved ones that have moved on from this life. Today we honor our loved ones past. Please bring a memento of one of your ancestors, as we build an altar to honor them.

Sunday Service – We Belong Together

SERVICE LEADERS: Rev. Bonnie Dlott and Era Capone
with Worship Associate Clare Whitfield
MUSIC: Roger Corman
We Belong Together

Belonging is a basic human need. We identify ourselves by who we belong with, as members of families, residents of town or cities, and members of political parties, churches, and possibly baseball teams. At the service today, we will explore what “belonging” to a religious community can mean, explicitly and implicitly, and consider why the experience of “belonging” can be transformative in some cases, and meaningless in others.

Sunday Service – Brave Space

SERVICE LEADERS: Rev. Julie Brock and Era Capone
with Worship Associate Eric Fischer
MUSIC: Alan Bell, Roger Corman

There is a difference between comfort and safety. Safe space means were are in a place where no harm is being done to us. Comfortable space means that we are not being challenged. Finding the balance between comfort and safety can be an impossible task, but one that is necessary if we want to create space that is open and healthy for everyone. Knowing that constant comfort won’t bring spiritual growth, and safe space isn’t always possible, may we endeavor to create Brave space.

The Commitment(s) of Parenting

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris, Clare Whitfield, Era Capone; Music: Sally Jones, Roger Corman

Few commitments are more demanding than supporting and raising children. This lifelong process demands that we are deeply grounded in hope, and have faith in human possibilities. Even if we might not have children of our own, we can all share in and celebrate this commitment with the many parents and children who call UUCSR home.

The Commitment(s) of Marriage

Service Leaders: Rev. Chris, Judy Withee, Era Capone, many others

Music: Alan Bell, Roger Corman

Marriage is by no means the only way to be in relationship with one’s sweetheart, lover or friend, yet, in spite of its well-documented history of failures (Henry VIII, anyone?) and 50% success rate, it remains eminently popular. We’ll look a little at the history of the institution and discuss why marriage (or something like it) is still worth supporting and celebrating, particularly now that it is legal across the land for everyone!

The Great Mystery

Service Leader: Rev. Marcus Liefert

The UU North Bay Shared Service, hosted by the UUs in Marin

The actual topic for today’s service is a mystery, but we’re sure it’ll be great. Hence, “The Great Mystery!”

Special Link for MARCH 14

Dial in: 669-900-6833

Meeting ID: 444 532 079