Sunday Service February 4, 2024

“Building Bridges of Justice and Equity: Navigating the Path to a More Inclusive Tomorrow”

As we gather today, let us reflect upon the concept of building bridges of justice and equity. In a world often marked by division and disparity, navigating the path to a more inclusive tomorrow requires intentional efforts to understand the experiences of those who have been marginalized and oppressed.

Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements

Worship Associates: Eric Fischer

Music: Sally Jones & Robert Howseman

Pianist: Roger Corman

The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors

To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service January 7, 2024

“Annual Milestones Service by the Lay Chaplains”

In this first service of the new year we will both look back and prepare for the future.  We’ll celebrate milestones from 2023 and participate in a ritual to launch the New Year with hope and creativity.
Service Leader: Lay Chaplains
Worship Associates: Linda Lampson
Music: Alan Bell
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service January 14, 2024

“Building the Beloved Community:
Embracing the legacy of MLK”

We gather inspired by the legacy of Dr. King, a visionary whose dream transcends time. In the spirit of unity and love I invite you to open your hearts to the wisdom of his teachings. May this service be a time of reflection, inspiration to building the Beloved Community in our own lives and in the world around us.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Jonathan Choe
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service January 21, 2024

“Roots and Branches: Celebrating the Rich History of UUCSR’S Journey”

We invite you to embark on a journey through time – a journey that traces the roots and witnesses the growth of UUCSR. As we celebrate our rich history let us reflect on the deep roots that anchor us and the branches that reach toward a future filled with hope and possibility. 
Worship Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Cathie Wiese
Music: Gage Purdy
Pianist: Paul Gilger
The Basket is highlighting : Our Own Religious Education
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service January 28, 2024

“Love Unveiled: The Ever-Evolving Tapestry of Affection”

Welcome to the exploration of “Love Unveiled: The Ever-Evolving Tapestry of Affection.” As we stand on the precipice of understanding, let us open our hearts to the revelation that love, in all its beauty and complexity, is a dynamic force. It morphs and transforms, revealing new dimensions as we navigate the various stages of our lives. Just as a skilled artist crafts a masterpiece with diverse colors and textures, so does love decorate the canvas of our existence with numerous shades.

Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Richard J. Senghas
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: Social Advocates for Youth (SAY)

To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service December 3, 2023

“Festival of Lights: The Various Celebrations of the Season”

As Unitarian Universalists, we embrace the diversity of traditions that grace this time of year, recognizing the beauty in the tapestry of beliefs that weave us together. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or find solace in the quiet reflection of winter’s embrace, our collective spirit radiates a message of love, compassion, and unity. As we embark on this journey through the holiday season, may our hearts be open to the shared humanity that unites us, and may the light of understanding guide us through these days of celebration and reflection. We invite you to join us as we share with you about these holiday beliefs.

Stay for the Cake Auction!

Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associates: Mark Sowers
Music: Gage Purdy & Ron Hennessey
Pianist: Louise Bettner
Share The Basket: Our Own Saturday Breakfast for Our Neighbors

To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service December 10, 2023

“Embracing the Mystery and Joy: A spiritual Exploration of the Holiday Season”

The holiday season unfolds as a rich mosaic of mystery and joy. Let’s approach this season with open hearts and minds, celebrating the diversity of beliefs and practices that are woven together in our community. You are invited to embark on a spiritual exploration, delving into the mystery that surrounds this time of year, and to discover the joy that lies within it.
Service Leader: Rev Dave Clements
Worship Associate: Susan Thollaug & Joe Gabaeff
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
Share The Basket: World Central Kitchen
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website 

Sunday Service December 17, 2023

“Stories of Light & Magic”

Come join us for our annual children’s holiday celebration! During these cold and rainy months, there always seems to be a bit of extra magic in the air. Where does this magic come from, and what does it mean? This Sunday, we turn to stories, hearing and telling them together as we explore what makes this time of year so special.
Worship Leader: Era Capone
Worship Associate: Cathie Wiese
Music: Gage Purdy & The Choir
Pianist: Roger Corman
The Basket is highlighting : Our Own Religious Education
To Donate to Share the Basket: Use the GIVE NOW button, on UUCSR’s website